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??? P.O.V

Hello. Bet you didn't guess I'd be introduced, did you? Oh, you want to know who I am do you? Too bad. You'll just have to wait. It's amusing watching Virgil learn to fight. Roman's beating him by far, AND he's going easy on Virgil. I grabbed the knife from my waist band.

Not yet....Not quite yet, but soon.


I don't want to wait anymore, but I also have no choice...just a few more days...

Virgil's P.O.V.

It hurts. I got my butt kicked and that WAS him going easy! I'm toast, I'm the ashes of burnt toast. Yep, that's the new Virgil Sanders everyone. The trap door to my tree-house slams open causing me to jump and look up from my drawing that I was working on.

Roman lifts himself up onto the floor of MY treehouse. "Hey!" He says when he sees me.

"Can't you read? Go away."

"Awe, I thought that we were becoming friends!"

"We were, then you trespassed onto and into my treehouse a SECOND time. Plus this side isn't meant for you, it's meant for sides like me. The 'bad' sides!"

Roman rolled his eyes at me. "I just wanted to ask a question."

"Then ask."

"Will you go out with me? On a date?"

"Wh-What?" Did he really just ask me out? Does he really mean it?

"I'm pretty sure you heard me."

I went to open my mouth and say 'no'. I really did, not that I don't want to...It's just...What can I say except that, I'm Anxiety. I did open my mouth, but the first time nothing came out. The second time my mouth betrayed me and said, "Yes, Roman. I will go on a date with you."

A/N: So, it's up to you guys, do you want me to write their date out or do you want me to skip that part and just have them be boyfriends or however that works, idk how it does.

Also, I'm NOT apologizing for this chapter to take so long even if it wasn't worth it. It took so long because writing (like other things I do) is a hobby. I also had to take a mental break from my real life which, in addition, meant that had to stop writing for awhile. I do hope, though, that you understand and that you enjoyed the chapter.

Please note that if real life is taking a toll on you and you write on anything it is ok to stop for a bit unless it helps you. If the reader really likes your writing they can wait. Nothing is more important than mental health (and physical health). #PositveMentalAttitude

~Layran Wolf~

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