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Virgil's P.O.V

I danced with Princey last night, and I loved it! I think I might have a crush on him. Shame, he'll never feel the same...

But, at least he won't pester me like Patton is right now!

"You need to go see her! It is your princely duty!" Patton says

"Why isn't Deceit the prince?" I ask, I mean he was here first!

"Because you are. You and Roman are the princes."

I hiss at him, Patton is unfazed. "Panic! At The Disco!" I call for my cat.

Patton looks at me like I'm stupid before Panic appears and meows. "OMG!!! Panic! You're soooo adorable!!" He picks up the cat, who is in a dark purple dress and matching bow for some reason.

When I go to run Fear slings me over his shoulder.

???? P.O.V.

They're both late!!! When I get my hands on them, I'll....nope too much work. I'm going to watch TV and eat.

Roman's P.O.V.

I'm off to see the witch, the hateful witch of the mind!

The Good and the Bad (Prinxiety fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now