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Virgil's P.O.V.

Fear carried me all the way to her place. The 'her' I'm referring to is Laziness. She does nothing. But she's also the queen, no, she's not my mom. But yeah, I'm here now. Fear left, and Laziness is chastising me about being late. Also something about 'Roman' being late? Does she mean—

"THERE YOU ARE, ROMAN!!! If I had any energy I'd wrat you up," She says rudely.

"Wrat?" I ask.

"Shut up, Virgil! You were both late!"

Prince, or Roman, stands next to me. "So, your name's Virgil?"

"Call me Virge. You're Roman?"

"Prince Roman, at your service!"

"HA!" Laziness laughs, "Prince Virgil!" I look at her. "Go to your lessons!"

"What lessons? I've finished them all!" Roman's staring at me...

"You need to know how to fight, don't you? Or are you a princess?"

I glare at the queen of all sides. Roman is looking between the both of us, kind of confused. "Roman, you will teach my son how to fight!" She says, waving us away.

I have to bite my tongue and not tell her that I'm not her son. Last time I did that it was pain full. Roman and I started walking down the halls.

Patton's P.O.V.

I feel bad, but rules are rules. Also, I'm helping Logan, so I couldn't go with. Logan is soo adorable!!

Wait what? Where did that though come from?

Laziness's P.O.V.

Good little Virgil, that's it. Bite your tongue. Don't say a word about me not being your real mother. Perfect. Don't worry son, you'll only be punished if you disobey you mother and queen.

I love you Virgil, my son.

I smirk to myself as I summon a cocktail to drink. If Virgil says anything I'll know. And he'll be punished. I'd hate to do that again. Last time it didn't end very well.

Logan's P.O.V

Patton, my thought on Patton. Well, he's amazing, cute, love-able, and I have a crush on him. At least I believe that 'crush' is the correct term. Why can't I just be like a robot and not have any feelings? It would be so much easier, plus I wouldn't worry about if he liked me back.

Roman's P.O.V

Anxiety's real name is Virgil? He's a prince? He's not Laziness's son, she has none. But Virgil IS A PRINCE!!! I think I might die! I'm so happy! At least I know the prophecy is real...But, holy Disney,  not the prophecy.....Not good....I keep glancing at Virgil.

I want him to be mine. I hope he likes me back.

Wow. I sound desperate...

The Good and the Bad (Prinxiety fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now