The Moments Between Us: Part Eight

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"Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss..."

Marlene's ears hurt as the voices of her fellow Gryffindors rung out in the common room. Her eyes were latched onto Sirius, who stood opposite her, but he was avoiding her gaze and laughing loudly instead. She wondered if anyone else could tell it was fake.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss..."

Marlene bit her lip hard and tried to find Lily in the crowd of people surrounding her.

She hadn't expected her sixteenth birthday party to turn out like this. In all honestly, she had wanted a quiet, enjoyable affair with minimal alcohol and only her close friends. But because Marlene had a reputation to uphold, she had thrown the usual rager, complete with over fifty drunk teenagers, loud, unbearable music pumping from the speakers and people she didn't even know yelling at her to kiss the boy standing across from her.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss..."

Marlene glared at Sirius, who had caught his best friend James's eye and smirked at the wink the bespectacled boy gave him.

In that moment, Marlene hated Sirius. She hated how he changed around his friends, to fit the persona everyone had given him - a sexy, idiotic slut. She hated his hair, which was curling due to the humid air in the Gryffindor common room, and the sliver of his chest that was visible through his unbuttoned shirt. She hated the way his lip turned up at the corner arrogantly and his eyebrows rose suggestively, when he finally looked at her. And then he stepped forward, and brushed her hair out from behind her ear. At first she wondered why; boys usually pushed hair away when they were about to kiss a girl. But then she realised he was making a curtain, her hair silky and shining an even brighter gold than usual in the lights strung up across the room, shielding them from the crowd.

"I'm going to kiss you, if that's okay?" He whispered, his breath tickling her lips.

She nodded and took his hand. They had to put a show on.

"Okay, ready?" He asked, like this had never happened before.

"No," she was about to say, but then he pressed his lips to hers.

Maybe it wasn't just about the show, because Sirius was kissing her slowly, his lips moving lightly against hers, his breathing shallow but even.

She couldn't hear the chanting anymore, she couldn't feel the pressure, all she could hear was her heartbeat, and all she could feel was Sirius.

And in that moment, she didn't hate him, not even in the slightest. In that moment, she almost loved him. 


sorry i haven't updated for AGES!

please leave a comment and let me know what you think :) 

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