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Sorry guys for a late update again but my laptop suddenly decided to ditch me and lost the memory so I had to type it all again....

"Gauri, meri chirraiya kahan  hai" a lady in her thirty's called her. The place was filled with flowers and the sky has the orange effect on it. The atmosphere was to be loved and there was peace and silence all around. "Meri chirraiya yah an Kay kar rahi hai." The lady held her with her shoulders. "Ma, I really missed you.... Where were you?" she cried.

"Why is my little birdie crying" the lady gently wiped her tears. "Maa, you know I was really feeling alone" she hugged her. "Don't worry, when shankerji will take me, he will surely send you someone" she said assuring. "But I want shankerji himself" she said placing her head on the most peaceful pillow.... Her mother's lap.

"But, I want you too with me, always" she said holding her hand. "But I can't stay with you always" her mother replied gently brushing her hairs. "Then I don't want Shankerji too, I will come with you....wherever you will be going" she held her mother's hands firmly.

"Gauri, you know the reason why you are named Gauri?" her mother questioned. "No, I don't..." she said shrugging. "You are named after the goddess of purity, the goddess of salvation. So, my chirraiya, you have given the duty of bringing your Shankerji out of the grief" she said stroking her hairs. "What grief Ma?" she asked confusingly. "His grief chirraiya.... Maybe he would have lost him.... As Shankerji lost himself after Devi Sati left him" her mother explained.

"There will be someone else also?" she asked. "No my baby.... No one.... You know the grief was too big for even Shankerji to handle.... Gauriji was made for him to give him his peace back.... And you my child are born to give your Shankerji his peace and life back" she explained her patting her head.

"What if Shankerji doesn't accepts me?" she asked. "My chirraiya, you have to work hard. Gauriji also had to do meditation for years to get him as her husband" her mother said. "Really maa, for years?" she asked. "Yes my dear.... And you also cannot leave your hopes... You have to be with him" she answered. "But maa, will I be as happy as you are with papa?"she questioned.

"Why not my chirraiya.... If not I will not let him be happy" a man entered. "Papaaaaa" she rushed towards him and he picked her up. "You will beat Shankerji?"she said moving her eyebrows up in surprised. "Of course I will... How dare he not keep you happy" he answered. "Papa, but he is God" she said in a confusing voice. "Hahahaha.... But my chirraiya has to be kept happy and I will look after it" he said firmly. "But when will I meet him papa?" she questioned. "When the time will come.... He will himself come to you" he answered. "And when will be the time papa?" she asked with curious eyes. "You have to wait beta..... The time will itself tell you" he answered. "Is time a man?" she gain raised a question. The man laughed on his daughter's innocence. " No my dear, but you have to wait for your Shankerji to come" he answered.

" Then I have to be his peace....... I have to be his love...... I have to be his Gauri" she muttered.

Suddenly everything went black..... Ma and papa were not there.... Only darkness was all she could see.

"Gauri....." she heard someone shouting her name... as if calling her

She felt someone grasping her cold hands in a comfortable warmth with utmost care and tenderness.

"Please get up.... Please.... I need you..... I really love you.... Come back Gauri.... I love you.... Come back for me..... For us" she again heard the similar voice.

She wanted to get up.... But her body denied.... As if the darkness was not ready to leave her.... But she had to fight.... To come back for her Shankerji..... For the one she has to love always.

"How is she doctor?" Omkara rushed to the doctors. "We are really surprised Mr. Oberoi.... She is responding to the treatments really well.... We thought we would loose her.... But I am happy to say that she is a fighter and she fought for her life and came back" the doctors answered.

"Is she out of coma doctor?" He asked. " Yes she is but still it will take time for her to open her eyes and come back.... She still is sleeping because of the heavy doses of medicine" the doctors told him. "Thank you doctor.... Thank you so much" he said as the doctors went.

"Congratulations O, bhabhi is fine..... She is okay" Rudra hugged him happily. "I knew she will come back Rudra.... She cannot leave me alone.... She promised to be with me forever aur Gauri Kumari Sharma apnea Wada kabhi nahi todti" he said hugging him back.

He turned towards the hospital door " I knew my chirraiya will be back..... I knew she will never let me break..... I knew she will always be there beside me standing as a pole to give me my strength, my peace..... I knew she will be there with me till eternity.... I believe in  this Gauri.... I believe in you" he answered.

"Rudra..... Where are you going?" Bhavya ran behind Rudra. "Leave me alone I said.... Just leave me alone" he said walking. "But what is the problem... What happened....." she questioned. "I said leave me alone" he didn't stop.

"Mr Rudra Singh Oberoi..... I said answer me..." she ran and stood in front of him. "I said there is nothing" he answered. "Listen.... I know that there is something otherwise you didn't have left Omkara bhaiya alone.... Tell me what's the matter" she asked. "Let it be Bhavya.... You will never understand" he muttered. "That we will see after you tell me.... Now tell me what's the matter" she asked stressing over the last three words.

He broke down crying loudly. "Gauri bhabhi is okay Rudra.... Don't worry" she tried to calm him down. "Have you seen O.... I... I never have seen my brother breaking down....." He said sobbing in her arms.

" Even when papa left Mom... He was there to hold us.... Our family intact.... He always took all the problems of mom and papa's relationship on his head and never let anything come on me or Prinku...." he continued. "I know this.... I know..... He is a strong man.... Strong enough to handle problems" she said.

"But today.... I saw my brother breaking down and crying.... Today I saw hopelessness in his eyes.... For the first time I saw Omkara Singh Oberoi breaking down.... First time Bhavya" he said.

"I know Rudra... But it was just the fear of losing his love.... I know he has faced many problems but the fear of losing your love breakers everything in you" she said. "I will never forgive my family.... I will never forgive them..... How dare they play with our emotions so mercilessly... I will never forgive them Bhavya" he said between  his tears.

"Rudra, control yourself.... You need to be brave now... You have to be strong for  bhaiya and bhabhi..... They need their family and that is only you" she held his head up meeting his eyes.

"Will you leave as soon as we reach Mumbai?" He questioned. "Well, I cannot leave my bhaiya and bhabhi too" she answered with a smile. "Only bhaiya and bhabhi" he said raising a bow. "Rest have to be still worked upon...... I will see it later... Now get up and move" she ordered and they both moved inside the hospital.

MAIN YAHAN TU WAHAN: A RIKARA STORY [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now