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Just a week and he realised every mistake of his life. He realised that he was not anymore the old Omkara Singh Oberoi who would presume anything about a person by what he saw. He realised that each and every thing he presumed was wrong. His decisions were wrong. He was wrong in recognising people around him. And as the punishment of his mistakes, she is here... Lying weak in front of him. 

He held her hands in his warmth. Her hands were cold... As cold as her body. He could feel the silence around them, which he had never appreciated. He wanted her to get up. He wanted her to speak, as much as she wanted to and he will not stop her. He wanted to hear that sweet voice, because Omkaraji' was never as sweet to his ears if spoken from someone else's mouth. But her lips somehow every time managed to add sugar to the sweetness when she muttered it.

"Gauri, get up now. It's been a week that I am waiting for you to get up. A week since I am here to see you. And you know that I am not a patient man. Gauri get up, it's time now. It's time for you to see how well the things are going. To see that I am here with you, by your side always

Since a week all he did was coming to the hospital and sitting for hours, holding her hand. He only went to wash him up or for some sleep, that to if Rudra dragged him out. Omkara, didn't even knew for how long he talked to her or simply held her hand. But only somewhere he found peace only with her.

The Oberoi's have tried contacting him, but he didn't answer. Once Khanna was also send to find him, but he returned Khanna back by saying that his wife is here and he needs to be with her. Rudra was also avoiding the calls from the parents and his Shivaay bhaiya too... Because he knew that there is no use in talking with them, because all will they say is they did it because of the family.

Family was once the life for both the brothers. But after what all happened... The family was the last thing that they would now want to see. It was only because of the love he had for his family and his parents that his love is lying here in front of him attached with tubes and cords. She still has not opened her eyes and every passing second was taking something away from Omkara. Every tick of the clock came and past with the hope of her coming back. Still he still waited patiently for her to come back as for him this time without her was a punishment for leaving her alone, for accepting the idiotic demand of her mom and for trusting his brother more than he should. The time seemed to be never ending. 

Gauri, on the other hand, could hear everything that he said. She was able to sense his pain. She knew that he was there beside her, holding her hand and blaming himself for whatever happened. She wanted to open her eyes and see him. She wanted to cup his face with her fingers and tell him that everything that happened was never his fault. She wanted to release his pain and also cry out everything in his embrace.

But, even after many attempts, she was not able to even open his eyes. She struggled hard and harder but all went in vain. She was felling as if a pile of bricks was on her head. She felt drizzly every time she wanted to talk. Her eyes were not listening to her. Her hands and legs were not responding. She even was not in her senses many times. And every time her thoughts closed she only heard her mother saying that she cannot take her... And that she needs to be here with him.

"Gauri, come on now, get up. Get up and come back to me. Talk to me as you did. Call me anything you want to... But please get up she herd him saying. But this time, she was able to respond. As if her hands and legs have started listening and bricks have been removed from her eyes.

"Omkaraji she said, in a voice just a bit louder than whisper. His head was laid on her bead with his hands working as a pillow. He jumped up listening to her voice "Gauri, are okay he said. "Water she felt her throat dried. He immediately took out water from the jug kept on the side table in a glass and helped her to drink it "Rudra, call the doctor he shouted, while keeping the glass back. 

The doctors came inside and checked her "how are you now Mrs Oberoi? The doctor asked. "I am fine, just feeling weak she smiled, sleepishly. "Well, I must say Mr Oberoi that your wife is a fighter... even after so much blood loss, she has recovered the doctor said to Omkara, smiling. "Thank you so much doctor he shook his hands with him and the doctor walked out.

He sat down and cupped her face in his hands and leaned to the bed "pata hai kitna dara diya tha tumne Mujhe... I was scared so much... I thought I would loose you for ever. His eyes were filled with water, and care was evident. "Par main toh yahin Hun naa... I am not going anywhere Omkaraji...she said smiling. "You should have told me Gauri, you should have returned to Mumbai. Why am I saying this to you... when I myself was such an idiot to no even realise that you must be alone there he said sitting back to the chair beside her bed. 

She tried to get up but stumbled due to weakness "Gauri, samhaal ke he held her hand. "What are you doing? You need rest he said helping her back to rest on the mattress. "Omkaraji don't blame yourself... You didn't do anything wrong. In fact I was okay with bhaiya and bhabhi she said, trying to control her broken voice. "You were not okay Gauri, don't lie. I have seen the way they would have treated you... And when on the earth were you planning to tell me that you were sleeping on the couch... A bloody damn couch Gauri and that to in such cold weather he was not at all able to control his anger.

"Omkaraji, I... I am sorry she said as tears came out of her eyes. "No, don't cry... I am not blaming you... It's just that I am angry on myself for not taking care of you... I should have done that... I should not have blindly trusted anyone I am sorry his tone softened as he held her hand and hugged her tightly with her head peaceful resting on his chest.

"Ahmm ahmm Rudra made a fake cough. "Bhavya I feel we came on the wrong time he chuckled. "Shut up Rudra Omkara glared at him. "Ahhh!!! What a relief... You know how good it feels to hear shut up bhabhi... I was soo missing it he sat on the couch placed just near the bed attached to the wall. 

"Rudra Omkara raised his voice as Gauri chuckled softly.

"Bhabhi, how are you bhavya asked sitting on the opposite side of Gauri on the bed. "I am fine she answered with a smile.

"So since bhabhi is fine... Let's have a family hug Rudra came and wrapped his hands around Bhavya and Omkara's hands and Omkara held Gauri and Rudra from the other side and Rudra squeezed his arms.

"Aaah Gauri shouted as she felt pain in her back. "Rudra, are you crazy? Can't you see that she still is weak Omkara said. But before Rudra could say something "you have really lost your senses Mr Rudra Singh Oberoi Bhavya said. "It's okay... Why are you both shouting on him... I am fine she glared at both of them. "I an sorry bhabhi Rudra said apologetically. "It's okay Rudy bhaiya... I'm fine she passed him a smile.

"Okay then we should leave, Omkara bhaiya take care Bhavya said almost dragging out Rudra from the room.

"What was that? Why did you dragged me out? Rudra raised a bow at bhavya. "Because they need some time alone she answered. "Oh!! But why didn't I get that he said rubbing his fingers against his chin. "Because you are crazy... Now let's go she walked away with Rudra.

"Thank God you are back Gauri. I thought that I would loose you... I could not imagine my life without you he said. "Shhh... she placed her finger on his lips "I am not going anywhere nor I am letting you go she held the eye contact while saying and immediately hugged him tight. "I love you Gauri he said hugging her back. "I love you too, Omkaraji she said smiling in his chest.

MAIN YAHAN TU WAHAN: A RIKARA STORY [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now