Chapter 5

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How to get a boy to apologise? Let him know there's something wrong. To him, this may not seem that big of a deal. He may not even realise that he's upset you, making you realise you're probably overthinking it. But what's that thing that girls are amazing at doing? Oh yeah, being right. Call me a sexist, but it's just in our nature.

Some of us girls may deal with this situation in different ways. We'll all be letting him know there's something wrong, just in different ways. My way? Ignore him or if you must answer, be blunt with him.

There is one thing that always makes a boy realise they've cocked up, and every single girl is guilty of doing it. Saying 'I'm fine.' or 'It's nothing.' when a boy asks what's wrong or if he's hurt you. Please do not tell me that you haven't done this because you will be lying.

So anyway, I will be taking my own advice and we'll just have to see what happens...


I lock my phone and throw it on to my bed in frustration. Still no apology; or anything for that matter, from Jake. He could have at least had the decency to ask if I was okay. I HATE BOYS. I swear I may as well just turn lesbian.

I check the time. I have half an hour to get ready before Ricki picks me up to go and visit Callie in the hospital. She's supposed to be being discharged sometime next week, but we've promised her we'll visit her everyday and bring her food, because the hospital food is absolutely disgusting.

I collapse onto my bed and close my eyes. I just wish I could shut everything out and go somewhere that nobody else knows. I just want to be alone.

"Raina, it's an emergency get here QUICK!" Sydney screeches. I guess there's no way of being alone in this household.

I groan, but push myself up and trudge into Sydney's room.

"What?" I say, scowling at her.

"Rude." she mutters, "I need your help."

"Yeah, I heard."

"I'm re-dying my hair, but I don't know what colour to go. Blonde or try for maroon again?" she asks.

"Pink." I smirk.

"Seriously Raina! Just tell me!"

"Fine, fine. Maroon.

"Kay bye." she says, shoving me out of her room.

I scoff and return to my room. Just is I walk in through the door, the doorbell rings.

"Shoot, is it time already?" I mutter to myself, remembering that Ricki's supposed to be picking me up.

The doorbell rings again and this time, it's held down for longer.

I walk down the stairs and look through the look-out hole in my door. It's Jake.

I open the door and before I can say anything, Jake pushes past me and runs into my house, closing the door behind him.

"Wait what?" I ask confused, examining Jake's unreadable face.

"Close the door. We need to talk."

What did he just say? Has he just barged into my house, after days of ignoring me and not even bothering to give me a simple apology, and the started to order me around?

I feel my blood begin to boil. This boy has chosen the wrong time to piss me off.

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" I scream. He's obviously taken aback by this because I see his expression and attitude change in a flash. Fear and complete shock laces his face.

"Raina, what-"


"You know what? Get out."

"But you haven't-"

"Get out."

"Let me-"


I hear loud footsteps stomping down the stairs. Uh oh, he's pissed Sydney off. This is not going to end well.


"Why is there a boy here? RAINA WHY IS THERE A BOY IN MY HOUSE?!"

"Oh as if you don't bring a new boy home everyday," I mutter to myself, but she hears me.

"I will deal with you later," she growls giving me a death glare, "But first, why is this boy here and why are you screaming Raina?"

"Basically, he's been ignoring me after he completely bummed me off, just because I wouldn't hold hands with him at the lake, he caused me so much pain because seriously I didn't know if I'd done something completely wrong, he wouldn't answer or talk to me, and now he barges through the door when I didn't let him in and he's ordering me around!" I say in one big breath, tears beginning to well up in the corners of my eyes.

"What?" she states quietly, "WHAT?!" now she's screaming, and poor Jake knows what's coming to him.

Sydney runs down the rest of the stairs and grabs Jake viciously by the collar pulling him closer to her so she can literally scream in his face.

"Who the actual fuck do you think you are? You think you can hurt my sister like that and then just turn up here like the fuckin Queen of Sheba and expect her to do everything you say? Well hell to the bloody no! I think she told you to get out? WHY THE FUCK AREN'T YOU OUT YET? LISTEN TO ME. IF YOU COME ANYWHERE NEAR RAINA AGAIN, I SWEAR I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD ON A PLATE!" she shoves him out of the door with great force, "IF I SEE YOUR FACE NEAR HERE AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU!" she finishes, spit flying out of her mouth because she's screaming so severely.

"Wait, did he ever explain why he was here in the first place?" she asks me. I simply shake my head no.

"EXPLAIN YOURSELF, NOW!" she shouts.

"I-I just came h-here to ask Raina if she could p-possibly ever forgive me and m-maybe go to Kayleigh's p-party with me?" he stutters.


Sorry it's quite crap guys, writers block sucks:( this is just a filler anyways.

Thank you so much for the votes & so many of you have been putting this story in your libraries and omg it means so much to me!

I'm so sorry I haven't updated for like ages, i've just had like no time but I promise i'll update way more from now on:)

So what do you think? Jake and Sydney

bitch fight huh? And what should Raina do? what do you thinks going to happen? comment belowwwww & remember to vote if you enjoyed:*

lv to all x

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