Chapter 2

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It can't be just me that gets ridiculously self conscious when I walk into school. It's like my business is everyone's business. They're all staring at me like I'm a piece of meat. If looks could kill, I swear I'd be long gone.

Oh look, there's a super cute senior that I'll never have a chance with. Shoot wait, that's Sydney's ex... walk away walk away walk away walk away - "Raina! Wait up!" why couldn't I have walked faster, oh for goodness sake.

"Oh, hey Ash." I replied, making sure I didn't sound interested at all.

"Listen - about Syd, how is she? When can I see her? I mean it's been so long and I'm pretty sure she's still into me, have you seen the way she looks at me? Like come on-"

"Beat it Ash, she's over you. Just move on already! And I'm not the one you want to be talking to, why don't you grow a pair and go talk to her?!" I shouted, realising how harshly I'd replied.

"Dude calm down, you're making a scene. Everyone's staring!" he stuttered, looking around. People like him made me so angry. Only caring about their reputation and what speaking to a 15 year old will do to them.

"Whatever, I'm gonna be late to class. See ya." and with that I'd walked off leaving him behind me. I swear, if I bump into another one of Sydney's ex's I'm going to blow. I need to talk to her about how many boy's she's been with, it's seriously mad.

As I continued walking, I spotted an excited girl bounding towards me. I braced myself for getting pretty much knocked the hell over.

"RAINA! RAINA RAINA RAINA OH MY GOD!" She screamed, causing everyone to glance over to us and sigh.

"Hello to you too, Callie." I giggled, trying to brush off the looks everyone was giving us. Callie was used to everyone staring at her, it didn't bother her anymore. She just had this huge bubbly personality that she wasn't afraid to express infront of every one. This could sometimes be a curse as well as a blessing, but she's my bestfriend, what am I gonna do?

"Have you heard?!" She exclaimed, slightly quieter but nevertheless still very loudly.

"Heard what?"

"Just wait for Ricki to get here, she'll explain everything!" and before I knew it, my other bestfriend Ricki was strutting towards us flicking her hair to the side, with a slight grin playing at her lips.

"I see Miss Blabbermouth by here has already told you most of the story." She scowled, giving Callie a look.

"No, not at all. She wouldn't tell me until you got here!" I smiled, reassuring Callie who was looking at the floor a little uncomfortably. She looked up and gave me a small smile. She was such an innocent soul.

"Yeah whatever, anyway as we were saying, have you heard?" She smirked, knowing this would wind me up because I clearly have not heard. The thing about Ricki is, she may come across as a bit of a bitch, but if you take the time to get to know her, she's actually one of the nicest people you'll meet. Most people don't take the time and give up on her, as I must admit, she does have a harsh personality at first which repels people, but when you get past that, all the effort was worth it.


"Kayleigh Peters is throwing a HUGE party at her dad's house, it's going to be amazing! Everyone's going!" Callie giggled.

"So you're telling me we've been invited?" I questioned, not 100% certain that this was going to end well.

"Well, she hasn't spoken to us..." Callie replied.

"And what makes you think we'll be invited? She's hated us since day one Callie." I said, all happiness draining from her face.

"The notice clearly says 'EVERYONE is invited' we're going." Ricki answered bluntly.

"What's so good about this party that even 'Miss I-don't-care-I-hate-everyone' is excited?" I asked, ignoring her remark.

"The fact that it's gonna be the biggest party of the year! Her dad's out of town on a business trip and he said she could have a small get together, which is gonna be more than just a small get together, EVERYONE's going, including some super hot seniors. SENIORS!" Callie shrieked.

"Thanks Callie, you know I have a speaking disorder therefore you answer for me all the time." Ricki sighed rolling her eyes.

"Alright, alright. No need to get bitchy. So the party sounds good, but seriously how are we gonna get in?" I asked, thinking about the matter carefully. I'd never seen myself as popular enough to go to a party this big. And don't you need a date to go to a party? How in hell am I gonna get a date, I have the figure of a whale and all my hobbies consist of eating my weight in either pizza chocolate or Doritos. This is not gonna end well.

"Chill girl, we'll get in." Ricki dismissed.

"Won't we have to go and talk to Kayleigh and ask her if we can come? Or just talk to her, she doesn't have a clue who we are. We can't just turn up!" I have a tendency to worry. I usually eat my worries away but there's no food in sight and I just can't help myself. Speaking of food, I'm absolutely famished where's that burger van gone?

"You worry too much Rain, we'll go ask her about it later. What've you got next?" Ricki asked.

"Chem. We're doing a practical so it should be alright. What about you girls?" I replied.

"Gym, thank god!" Ricki answered. Ricki's really sporty and enjoys physical activities whereas me on the other hand much prefer to sit on the couch eating chips all day watching America's Next Top Model and slagging off all the girls partly because I'll never look like them or have their figures and mostly just because they annoy the hell out of me.

"Math. Kill me now!" Callie sighed dramatically.

Our conversation was cut off by the deafening sound of the bell.

"I'll see you later guys!" I smiled.

"See you after class girlies!" Callie giggled.

"Bye chicka's." Ricki waved.

As I walked to chem, I couldn't help but think about this party. Callie had said that everyone was going, and if everyone was going then I'd have to make sure I was there. Then comes the pressure of dressing up nicely, but I don't have anything to wear! All the girls are probably gonna be wearing their mini skin tight dresses with the tops cut low and I'm gonna be there in my sweatpants. Ugh my life is overrrr.

I was awakened from my thoughts as I hit the grown with a large thud.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, let me help you. Nice one Jake." a male voice sounded, muttering the last part.

"I-it's fine don't worry." I stuttered, looking at the floor in embarrassment as he pulled me up. Well done Raina, fall on your ass in front of about 100 people why don't you.

"I'm Jake by the way." he smiled, handing me my books.

"Raina." I replied, holding out my hand. He shook it politely, continuing to smile.

"Well Raina, it was a pleasure meeting you and I sincerely hope the next time won't consist of me knocking you off your feet." he laughed, poking me. I couldn't help but giggle along.

"The pleasure was all mine. See you around Jake!" I called behind me as I entered the science lab.

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