Chapter 4

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'Thank God it's the weekend' is all that's going through my brain right now. After quite an eventful week, I could really do with a break from everything.


I guess that break is going to have to wait.

I stretch and rub my eyes, dragging myself out of bed. I throw on a dressing gown and walk down the stairs.

"Yeah?" I say, looking at Sydney when I notice what's happened.

Sydney was supposed to be dying her hair a dark burgundy/maroon colour today. She must have left the dye in too long because what I'm looking at right now is definitely not maroon.

"Jesus, what happened?" I ask, holding back a laugh.

"You were supposed to set a timer for 45 minutes and tell me when the time was up!" She moans, still staring at her reflection in the mirror.

Her hair is now a splodgy brown diarrhoea-like colour. For the first time in like forever, I actually feel sorry for her.

"When was this? I've only just woken up. And because of you screaming may I add!" I answer as I clearly have no idea what she's talking about.

"Ugh, fuck my life!" she wails, running up the stairs.

That went down well.

I decide to go back upstairs and go back to sleep to get that break I really need. I'm not going to let anyone or anything stop me.

I walk up to my room and collapse in my bed. Just when I'm about to close my eyes and go to sleep, my phone vibrates three times, indicating I have a text.

'You said you wouldn't let anyone or anything get in your way Raina!' but I can't help it. I have to see who it is.

I unlock my phone and find a text from none other than Jake. If he expects me to get out of bed and go on another one of our crazy adventures, he's got another thing coming. I need my beauty sleep. But then a different thought comes into my head and a pang of anxiety hits me in the stomach. He was acting so weird yesterday when he dropped me off at my house, what if this is going to be something about that? What if he doesn't want to see me anymore? Okay, I know we're not exactly seeing eachother properly but you know what I mean, stop going on our walks and all of that. Ugh, maybe I'm just overthinking... oh shut up and read the message already.

'Raina, I just wanted to say that I had the best time yesterday and I'm sorry for acting so weird yesterday, I can't really explain over text and I can't phone you because I'm out, so I was wondering if you would meet me today? Deats in next text - J xxx'

Well at least he's not angry with me and he obviously wants to see me again. I wasn't expecting this kind of reaction. Did he honestly have a really good time? I know I did, it was the most fun I've had in months, I could finally let go and be myself.

I decide to text back. If I don't, he won't bother sending me the details and even though I'm tired, I could do with getting some fresh air, especially because the weathers seemed to brighten up a bit.

'Listen, I had a really good time too. But I'm ngl it did throw me a bit when u started acting all weird. I'll meet you.-R x'

I didn't want to come across as being too harsh, but I also didn't want to come across as if everything's forgiven and alright. It really did upset me what he did yesterday, and I'd like to know why he felt the need to do that.

Before I can overthink any longer, my phone vibrates again.

'I just need a chance to explain myself, which is why I really want to see you. Be ready by 2, I'm picking you up.x'

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