Chapter 12

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I feel a stinging sensation hit my eyelids. It takes me a while to adjust when I open my eyes, but I realise it's just a gap in the curtains of my living room, causing a beam of light to shine into the room.

I let out a sleepy yawn and a pang of pain hits me hard in the head instantly. I quickly bring my hand up to my head and rub temples. I sit up and take in my surroundings. Memories of last night suddenly come flooding into my mind.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ricki sprawled out across the floor with her arm over her face shielding her eyes from the sunlight in her sleep. I look around to find all of the bottles and food packets from last night littered around us in a huge circle.

I sigh and pull myself up off the floor, stretching then walking into the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. I glance at the time and realise my mom never told me what time she would be back.

I begin to panic, what if she walks in through the door now to find this? I rush back into the living room and begin frantically peeling the sticky wrappers off the wooden floor, chucking them into a black bag, along with the multiple glass bottles scattered over the floor. I was never one for recycling.

My phone suddenly starts vibrating and I turn my head quickly in the direction of where the sound is coming from. Underneath Ricki.

I rush over to her limp body and begin to roll her over on her side, but it's not easy. I start rummaging underneath her and finally feel my phone. I grab it from underneath her with much struggle and bring my phone to my ear just in time.

"Morning Raina," his gorgeous voice makes me melt instantly.

"Jake?" I croak. I didn't even realise how awful I sounded today.

"Sounds like you had quite a rough night," he chuckles, his morning voice still fresh making my ovaries explode.

"You could say that," I reply, smiling even though he can't see me "What did you want?" I ask, realising that my question may have sounded a little snappy, but I'm not in any mood to try and fix it.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go out today? Seeing as the party is tomorrow, I don't know, I just thought because the weekend ends tomorrow, and the party's on Tuesday we could hang out?" He explains. I realise that I'm grinning involuntarily at the idea of spending the day with Jake.

"I'd love to," I reply not taking into consideration my mother coming back home with Sydeny and Annette. I know today is going to be very stressful and I want to hold that back for as long as I possibly can.

"Great, see you at two?" He suggests and I nod, then realise he can't see me.

"Yeah, sure. One more thing, where are we going?" I ask, wanting to know what I need to wear.

"It's a surprise," this statement has always annoyed me. I don't like surprises.

"Well I need to know the dress code!" I groan.

"Casual, bye!" he says, I can hear the smugness in his voice.

He hangs up before I can reply.

I turn around and find Ricki still lying on the floor. It's just gone twelve and I only have two hours to get ready and somehow shift Ricki.

"Ricki," I quietly urge, shaking her.

"Piss off," she groans turning around on her other side, facing away from me.

"Ricki you need to wake up!" I say, now getting louder.


"Come on, you were meant to be back at your dad's at ten past twelve!" I remind her of just about the only thing I can remember her saying last night. No matter how drunk I get, I will always be the responsible person I am and remember key points that matter.

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