Chapter 7

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Friends and family are the most important people you need in life. Some people ask, are family or friends more important? Well, that depends on who you are and what relationships and bonds you have with both your friends and family.

I for example, have 2 close friends; bestfriends, Callie and Ricki. All of my other friends have either moved away, I've stopped speaking to, or have just completely left me. My family is the same. My mother and sisters have stuck around, but all of our other family has left. My sisters are hardly there so usually it's just me and my mum.

This is how it balances out. I simply cannot choose whether friends or family come first. This statement is an extremely controversial one, but for me personally, it's what I think. Some people will disagree saying that family is much more important, but when half of your family doesn't want to know you, it changes things.

So my advice for you is you don't have to choose between friends and family. If they really love you, they will never EVER make you choose, because they want what's best for you. Your friends should understand if you can't go out with them because you're having a family day out, and if they don't then they're not true friends. Same with family, you should spend time with your friends, not just with family.

I am grateful for everyone I have in my life, though they are few, but they will always be here, and that's all I need to know, whether it's 2 or 200 of them.


"So girl, you're telling me that you actually managed to get yourself a decent looking date to the prom and you said NO?! I think you're the one that needs to be in the hospital!" Callie says in her sassy ghetto voice.

"For the last time, I didn't personally say no, my sister kind of did and anyway, there's no way he'd go with me anymore. He's really pissed off. He said he'd talk to me on Monday though, so there is a glint of hope," I answer.

We've gone way over time on meeting hours, but the nurse is we have today is way nicer than the one we had last, and she understands that we need to see and speak to our friend so she's let us stay as long as we're quiet.

I guess she's kind of risking her job really, because we were meant to be out hours ago by the rules of the hospital, but we're still here, and it's on her watch.

"Well girls, I think we should wrap it up. You're being discharged soon aren't you?" I say, becoming more excited.

"Final check ups and scans this week and then I'm good to go!" She replies, just as excitedly.

"Will you be up for going to the party?" Ricki asks. I instantly shoot her a 'what the hell that's not the most important thing right now' look, but Callie doesn't seem to mind.

"99% sure I'll be able to go, but if I can't them promise me you both will, no matter what happens.

"Okay," Ricki says, at the same time as I say "No Callie, it wouldn't be the same without you. If one of us can't go, the rest of us won't!"

"Ricki!" I groan, giving her evils.

"Joking, we wouldn't go without you."

I smile at her approvingly and turn my attention back to Callie.

"We'll see you soon Callie, we'll come pick you up and take you home after you're discharged,"

"Oh that's okay, my parents are picking me up. Thank you though. Good bye!"

We see the nurse pushing a trolly with a clipboard in hand and stethoscope wrapped around her neck.

"Your friend is doing fine, she'll be discharged very soon. She's been talking about some kind of party non stop recently, and I for one would really like her to go as she's shown so much enthusiasm, but I'm just not sure if her physical state will be strong enough," the nurse says, with a sad smile.

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