Chapter 8

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"Raina you literally just told me that you were busy and had to go, what's going on?"

"It's really important, I just really need  to talk to you about this," I say, almost pleading.

"Alright." Jake sighs. I don't know what's gotten into him. He doesn't seem happy to speak to me at all. I don't even know what I've done to make him act this way.

"It's about the party-" and before I can even get anywhere with my sentence I am interrupted.

"I already said I would talk to you about this on Monday. You can't just expect me to make my mind up so quickly!" he snaps, raising his voice slightly. He's acting like a pissy little cow today.

"Well if it takes so much for you to decide whether to take me to the party or not, then I'm not sure if I even want to go with you. It should be an easy decision. I mean, if you really wanted to go with me then you would just ask me again!" I reply with an equal twang of annoyance in my tone.

"This isn't all about the party Raina, it's so much more than that! And considering your sister would probably have my head on a plate if she found out, you can't seriously expect me to just ask you again." he sighs as if it's obvious.

"Then what is it about? If you really loved me then you would be able to risk it all and just take me to the damn party!" I snap before I realise what I have said. What the hell was I thinking?!

"Hold up, who said I loved you? When have I ever said that?"

"I didn't mean it like that, it came out wrong!" I defend fiercely. I can feel my cheeks already burning up even though he can't see me.

"You thought I loved you? When have I ever given off that message?!"


I don't know why his words hurt me so much. I didn't think he loved me, but his harsh response still felt like I was being stabbed in the stomach.

I refuse to be kept under his thumb. He can't just go around making me feel like a fool, giving me mixed messages, making me feel as if I'm a complete idiot for even thinking he liked me. As a strong and independent woman, I refuse to be played.

"Oh but that's not what you were saying at the stream. If I recall correctly, you wouldn't speak to me for what, a week? Just because I wouldn't hold your hand. Oh no, you really can't put this all on me so don't even try," I sneer. I can give this back to him ten times harder, so Jakey, for future reference save yourself the embarrassment and don't fuck with me.

"So what was the point of this phonecall? To make me hate you more than I already do? To obliterate any last chance of me taking you to the party? Well in that case I sincerely congratulate you Raina Anderson, because you have succeeded with distinction."


I feel as if another sharp, shiny spear has just sliced right through me. No matter how many hurtful things I say to Jake, he will always come back with something causing my heart to slowly shatter.

All I have left are vulgar words to cover my true feelings, and my god am I going to dish them out.

"You make it seem like it's such a bad thing," I laugh - well, fake laugh.

"You're so childish. Just please do us both a favour and leave me alone."

I don't want to leave you alone. I want to call you mine. my subconscience throws in.

"Me childish? Oh please do not even speak to me about childish.Should I really just bring up you ignoring me for not holding your hand because god damn me if I don't Jake." I warn.

"Just get away from me. You're not worth any of this shit."

I feel as if tears are just going to start freely falling down my face.

"You know," I croak, not being able to hold myself together behind this ruthless facade "I really thought you were different. I honestly thought we could actually have a future. I thought you could take me to this stupid party, but just as you said it's so much more than that. I believed in you, in us. I was clearly just deluding myself. Goodbye Jake." I barely manage to finish, bringing my phone down from my ear, my thumb hovering over the red button to end the call, along with any future me and Jake had together.

"Wait!" I hear a faint voice call. I slowly bring the phone back up to my ear. "Yes?" I answer, my voice barely audible.

"I'm sorry." I feel a shiver trickle down my spine as I hear the words roll off his tongue.

"No it's fine. I know this all more than it's worth. I don't expect you to take me to the party, my sisters are pretty vicious." I admit.

"Oh god, there's two of them?!" he fake gasps and I can't help but giggle, but I soon return to my stern and serious voice.

"Anyway, I am sorry and I guess I'll see you around." I say, my heart sinking when he doesn't say anything to stop me.


"Yeah?" I say, trying to hold back a sniffle which makes me sound like a llama farting.

"Will you go to the party with me?"

This is literally just a filler, so I'm so sorry it's really short and like all conversation, but I'll be updating a proper chapter tomorrow!

I'm gonna start doing song of the day (SOTD) to encourage me to update every day for you guys, but I'm not promising anything incase something comes up...

But anyway, here is your song of the day;

SOTD: La La La (I Dare You) - Shakira (world cup version) just because neymar is in the music video and I prefer the lyrics in it than in the original:)

ily babies, stay beautiful

ew that was corny and im leaving

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