chapter 20

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Dee POV: so after nova left out the door I start to cry then I got up off the ground and walk yo the couch the kids said that they are going to the mall with Penelope and Kaleb that Mani and latto kid's I said be safe they said ok I said love they said love you to mom they walked out so I am sitting down alone in the house cause nova left I don't know if he coming back I hope he does cause after all I still love him so .I got off the couch lock the front door set the alarm the kids also said that that they are staying at mulatto back to what I was doing I went up stairs and went into the bathroom I had my phone I lock my self in the bathroom I sat down on this little bay window in the bathroom and was on my phone I wanted to call nova or send him a text but I didn't have the Gust's to do it so I am looking on Instagram looking threw it then. I see an a picture of all of us when we went on tour I like it Mulatto post the pic then I get a call form Nova I didn't answer it then a text still didn't answer him I got on Spotify and grabbed some headphones in my Jacket pocket that was in the bathroom room also nova jacket was in there to I grabbed it and put it on I took my clothes off o had on when I went to the mall I put some night clothes on and I went grab my blanket on the foot of my bed and a pillow I walked back in the bathroom and lock it again and laid the pillow on the bay window and plug my headphones in my phone .I also has my charger and plug it in the outlet in the bay window cause if nova does come back I will stay in this bathroom like sleep in the bathroom just stay in there I got cause ies in my blanket and nova jacket I pulled up the sleeves and saw the cut marks form a while back I am and fast healer and a slow one when it comes to marks on my arm so I put my head phones in and played I fall apart which is in my play list Its always on shuffle I turned my phone off and closed my eyes for a while the I opened them and start crying the I close them again with tears down my face I laid there with my eyes close.

Nova POV: so I am at the park sitting there looking at all the happy couples I felt bad for leaving dee I already know she had depression at times like when we fight so I dissidence to call her she didn't answer I text her e didn't answer then I got scared so I left the park got in my car drove off I made it about 5 mins to her house she does live far from the park then I unlock the door the alarm went off I reset it so the sound would go off then I turn the light on in the house I shut the door I alarm myself in again dee wasn't on the couch or the kids where not in there rooms so I went in are room the bathroom door was shut I walk to the door ani put my hear up to it I couldn't hear nothing I tried opening the door it was lock so I twist the door handle the other way was pushed and opened it I see dee at the bay window her eyes. Close I walk over to her I pulled the blanket back I see her in her PJ's on and my reds adaias jackets I touch her face it was cold I took her headphones out. I paused the music and turned her phone off I took my jacket off of her I saw her cuts I stop and almost cried just seeing those made me said she can be a fast healer but when its on her arms they go slow I pick her up trying not to cry cause of her marks on her arms I walked out the bathroom with her in my arms and laid her on the bed she was ice sold I tried waking her up then she finally woke up I was on her she opened her eyes and saw me I said dee baby Dee she just looked at me with tears in her eyes I said dee say something to me please baby I'm sorry dee I am really sorry she said but you went to niakay .I said no no I went to he park
I would never lie to dee I can't even try to she looks away from me and I said where are the kids she said at the mall they are with Penelope and Kaleb they are staying at Mulatto house I said oh I said dee look at me she said can you get off me please I got up she sat up I sat next to her she faced to the head board of the bed I laid back and I went behind her and tried her to look at me she turned her head the other way. I sat up and did the same the same thing then she looks down her Braid's fell down in her face I pulled them back and said she shook her she I said baby look at me she finally looks at me she said yes nova I said I am sorry she said. I know you are still looking at me I look down and said do you forgive me she said yes baby boy I am still looking down I was looking at her body then she said my eyes are up here I look up and said I know I said can I see your arm she showed me I said they are getting better she smiles and I hugged her well tried but she put both her hands in front of me I said really she said yes then I turned to her and she kissed me right way . I kissed back she has a grip on my shirt and I pulled her bottom half of her body and I warped my arms around her waist and one on her side the I put her in my lap and put one arm on her waist and one on her side he put one arm around my neck and one on my chest then we broke apart form the kiss I said are you blushing she said yes baby I am blushing I said oh ok she kissed my cheek I blushed she said are you blushing. I said yes baby I am blushing mocking her she laughs then see said nova I looking in her eyes she said I love you I said I love you to dee then we stop talking and sat there not evening looking at each. So you think I was staring at her she was looking at the wall I grabbed her hand and I didn't see are wedding ring I said um dee where your ring she said on the dresser. I said oh ok I took mine off are rings have are Name on it mines had Diamond her has Julio so that people can see that we are taken by each other so I got up and put my ring next to hers and went back to the bed she laid back still with her legs on the ground I walk over to her and laid next to her she got up well she was still laying down she laid her head on her hand she got closer to me I was laying down I had one arm around her waist she was playing with my hair she said you. Have hair like a sheep it so soft .I said thank you she laughs and I still had my arm around her waist then she laid on my where we where face to face I put both hands on her waist she said I like your hair nova I said I like your Never mind she said what tell me Please baby I said fine I like your body nova has she playfully slaps me me I said its true she rolled her eyes and I am looking at her she said what Nova I said you are s beautiful girl .I am so happy I got you back she kisses me I kiss back one of my hand was on her butt one on her back both of her where on my face then we broke apart she said you taste like candy like chocolate I said really dee Ashe laughs she tried to get up but I am holding on to her she said nova let me go please I said no she tried to get up but she gave up then I let her go she went downstairs I am still laying there and waiting for her to come back she came back with the box of chocolate cover Strawberry's I gave her we shared them together she took a bote then she let me have some then she got tried and got went down stairs put the the chocolate cover strawberries in the refrigerator and came back up stairs she said nova cause I was laying where she couldn't get under the cover's I got up and went to my side of the bed and got in I didn't know if she didn't want me to touch her so I didn't still when I got in the bed she got closer to me so I warped my arms around her waist she curled up in a little ball then I turn the light off and went to sleep.

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