chapter 29

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So hey guys I wanted to end the tour so this chapter is about the pergancy test love you guys

Dee POV: so the tour end and nova wants me to go get a test so I can prove I am not pergant I would know of I was and I am I am getting a DNA test so me and nova got dressed the kids are at school so me and nova got dressed we walk out the door and lock the door then we hopped in the car   nova driving and drove off we didn't talk to each other it was quite the only thing that was talking was the music so we get to he doctor office we already had appointment so we sat down so the doctor can call us back there the nova said this.


Nova: um dee if its not mine I will still stick beside you I know you would never cheat on me just know if it's not mine I will take care of the baby ok.

Me: Nova I am scared what if it's true thanks to the hot gossip Reporter everyone blowing up me phone ask who the dad will Deetranova die will nova leave I hope its your if I am pergant.

Nova: I am here for you bring it in* trying to give me a huge*

Me: * hugged him* 

Then a voice said Mrs and MR barmer we got up we where in the back room I was getting check up the doctor gave me a clear plastic cup he told me to go to the bathroom and pee in it nova was looking at me has I went to the bathroom so I am in the bathroom I pee in the little cup then I washed my hands then flushed the toilet cause some pee went in I walk out with he cup the doctor took it form me then gave it to this lady she walk into another room the doctor was talking about it I almost cried cause what if it's not Nova's will think when I go out with my girls will he think I am with some other guys the doctor go wait in the waiting room please so we did nova was sitting down. I was walking back and forward then they call us back there they said Mrs. Barmer you are not pergant I was sad cause I wanted another kid but oh well nova look relieved   he looked at me I smiled e doctor said I am sorry  this must be you first kid me and nova looked at each other and laughed the doctor just look at us the a puzzled face me and nova stop laughing .I said nope we have three he said then why did you come here I told him the story he said oh I saw that on hot gossip I looked at him and said oh really he said yeah he said the shouldn't do that cause what If you really where and they ask you your answer would be blank I said yep it would then he walked us out the building we talked for a little while then he had to go back inside me and nova got in the car I said see I told ya he said ok ok you where right I was wrong I said what was that what you say? He said you where right I was wrong I said you sure where then he drove off  we where talking about the tour and what we where going to eat I said chick express so we got some for us and the kids they ask was kinda drink  did I want I said pineapple fanta nova got strawberry fanta he got the kids sprite we drove up to the window and paid the man then he gave nova the nova the food which he gave to me he gave him is mine back then he gave is the drinks nova had thee time in a card broad cup holder we drove off the guy in the window at Chicken express  he kept looking at nova but nova shut that down really quick then I said to nova.


Me: Nova that guy kept looking at me

Nova: I know I shut that down really quick

Me: yep where the recite 

Nova: in the bag

Me: ok

Grabbes recite

Nova: give me that

Me: why?

Nova: look on the back

Looks on the back it said call me with his number 1-800 Mike

Me: haha nope *crumbles it up*

Nova:* smirks * uh*laughs a little *

Me: what funny?

Nova: oh I just member something

Me: what?

Nova: the TRG

Me: what about it

Nova: remember the  first time I broke you heart cause I said  you where copping me

Me: Yeah

Nova: well I try to give you a kiss after that happen

Me: yep I laugh and said haha you thought

Nova: then I said dee really give me a kiss

Me: I said haha nope and got up

Nova: yeah then I grabbed your arm and pulled you to me

Me: yep on top of you

Nova: then I warped my arms around your waist so you couldn't get away

Me: I tried so hard to move

Finally gets home the kids are there from school they got there food dee and nova walk up stairs still talking about the Rap games.

Still talking

Me: then I tried to get out your grip

Nova: yeah you look so cute trying

Me: I kept saying your name to let me go

Nova: it didn't work

Me: then I finally gave you a kiss

Nova: yep then I let you go

Me: yep you  did but I was still kinda mad

Nova: I know I love when you get mad

Ends conversion eats food then the all just chilled.

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