chapter 31

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Nova POV: I woke up the next morning and my eye still kinda hurts cause of dee when she punch me in my eye damn Baby girl got some hand she punch the crap out of me but  anyways but dee still asleep so I am go into make her breakfast so she won't think it's her fault well when she punch me in my eye but I scared her so it was karma so I went downstairs and I hear Kim come down stairs she walked downstairs and she didn't make eye contact with me I said Kim are you ok she said yeah dad I am fine why are you asking has she close the refrigerator still not making eye contact I said stop right there before she walks away I said sit down and talk to me she turned around and sat down at the counter I said -


Me: what's sup

Kim: um...

Me: Kimberly franchise barmer

Kim: that's me!!

Me: Kimberly!!

Kim: fine it's Jackson

Me: what did he do

Kim: um.. He was kissing this girl that jealous of me cause my parent are famous and her are not and she was kissing him he didn't even try to pull away then he did but I ran off and. The rest of Friday I was avoiding him I still love him...

Me: that happen to me and your mom one time but listen you will forgive him just like your mom did she forgave me  sweetie and I know you will forgive him to cause you are just like your mom she a forgiving person well sometimes.

Kim:* get up give nova a huge* thanks dad

Hears knock on door nova answers it  still nova POV

Conversion with person at door

Me: hello

Jackson: um.. Hi Mr barmer is Kimberly home

Me:*looks at Kim she shakes her head up and down* Yes she is...

Jackson: can I talk to her if she will listen to me

Me: sure son* let's him in*

He walks up to her and ask if they can talk she said in her room still Nova POV

So Kimberly and Jackson are talking in Kim room then that when my angle came  down stairs she walks over to me she see and smile at me I grabbed her arms and put them on my neck and I warp my arms around her waist I hear music in my head I thought it was playing out loud but it was in my head she still smiling  I said good morning  baby girl she said good morning baby boy I said I made you breakfast she said really thanks has she looks to the counter she sat down and I placed her food in front of her I sat across from her she said yes nova how may I help you I said up you're  just perfect i bit down on my lip she rolls her eye's and laughs I got up and went to go sit beside her she finally done eating I was on my phone watching YouTube she got up and put her dishes in the sink and she was back over to me  I turned off my phone I was still sitting down she was standing in front of me I pulled her closer to me I put my hand around her waist she put her hands on my shoulder she touch my eye I said it doesn't hurt that much she said good ok I don't wanna punch you again OK I said ok mamachia she said love you Papi I laugh then we got up and went to the pool in are backyard she said be right back she got up and went inside I am Waiting for her to come downstairs she had a swimming suite on the black one then Alice and Julio came and got in the pool she ask where Kim is
I said talking to Jackson they are fixing there problems she said he is here I shook my head she said oh ok she sat down I got in the pool with the kids and that was it.

Kim POV: so after what me and my dad talk about then Jackson came over and we talk about are problems.


Me:* sits on bed with head down*

Jackson: Came I sit next to you

Me: sure

Jackson: Kimberly listen about Friday I am sorry she forced herself on me I tried getting out her grip but I couldn't cause she had sex nail in my arm and every time I moved she squeezed even harder then I finally got out her grip I am so sorry Kimberly I would never hurt you or lie to you.

Me: Jackson that happen to my parent before a girl kissed my dad and my mom was hurt but my mom is a forgiving person well sometimes she is but she forgave my dad and if she would never forgave him they wouldn't be together but Lucky my dad my mom weakness and my mom and dad would never lie to each other and I am a forgiving person well sometimes when I wanna be I still kinda hurt by it but not really and I still love you Jack and never forget that.

Jackson: so are we good or Nah

Me: we good I love you * gives hugs*

Jackson: I love you more and I will never hurt you again this is why I wrote this for you.

* still Jackson POV*

Kimberly I love you so much you are my sun,my world, my heart and this is how much I care for you

K: Is for knowing that I love you

I: Is for I love you

M:is for many more years I am looking to spend with you

B: is for queen Bee of my hive

E: is for how excellent you are

R: is for how right you are

L: is for how lovely you are

Y: is for being yourself

These letters in your name mean everything to me and this is no lie but I am madly in love with you and I really love you baby girl you are my world and my soul you keep me living and without out you I would be another broken soul I love you Kimberly franchise barmer and if you don't believe me I hope this promise ring will change your mind - love Jackson.

*still Kimberly POV*

Jackson that is so sweet* gives kiss on cheek* I love you to then he said here your ring your promise ring * puts it on her finger* so after that I put on some clothes and me and Jackson went down stairs I told my parent that me and Jackson are going to the mall they said ok be back before night falls I said ok love you guys then I shut the door I got in Jackson car oh yeah I forgot we are in high school so yeah but anyways I got in his car and we went to the mall for a little while.

|>>Kimberly finally came home she went to bed and dee and nova are still in the living room.


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