chapter 25

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They say the proudest spirit can be broken by love - Caroline

Dee POV: We in B-More baby I am so happy so we get to a hotel I said I am going out by myself ok bye everyone gave me that confused look so did nova the thing his he didn't ask where I was going so I walked out the hotel I got in an uber a I told em to drive me to the hospital cause that where she is in the hospital so I walk in the hospital and I went to the counter and I ask the room of miss Barmer they told me the room I walk away form the counter and went to my mom's room I walk in and said yeah moma she said  Diamond baby I walk over to her and gave her a huge I said how you feeling she said I am actually getting better and better my sickness is going away. I said that great. Where Nuzzle and dad and Jermaine she said at home I said oh OK then she ask how are the kids I said they are fine mom she said where Nova I said um um... Diamond!! She said I said fine he didn't come cause I didn't want him to know how sick you are and also I don't want him to worry she gave me that look sh said he going to worry diamond you are is world and he going to worry about you and your family .I said ok mom then she said how did you get here and why are you in Biltmore I said well I am on a tour with JD and the members of the Rap games she said oh the nurse came in I look at my phone and said I have to go I will come back tomorrow ok she said ok love you diamond I said love you more .I walk out the room and walked out the hospital and got in the Uber it took me back to the hotel I paid the drive and got out the Uber and walked into the hotel and go in the elevators and went to my room and I walk in the room nova  was asleep so I thought i walked to the bed where nova was he said well where did you go I said no were lieing straight to his face he said Diamond I said Julio he said were did you go I got worry sick you didn't answer my calls or text I got scared where did you go pole tell me I said nova I can't he said why not I said cause .I don't want you to worry about it laying with him he put his arm on my waist he said where did you go I said nova he said dee please it's my job to worry about you mamachia I smiled I said fine papi I told him then I start to cry cause of the thought he said hey hey it's ok baby girl I am here for you I said I know still crying he wipes my tears away he said now stop crying ok .I hate seeing you cry ok baby girl I said can you call me something else he said ok mamachia I said um Baby girl will do I laugh then he pulled me closer to him we weren't under the covers we where laying on the bed spread I said nova stop he tickling me I said stop laughing. I said I am ticklish stop then he stops then we stare into each other eyes and I  was lost in his  beautiful eye's  then I fell asleep so did nova he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close to him I have a spot on his chest where I lay on him the reason why cause that my spot and my spot only no else better not lay in my spot on his chest only if its are kids you thought I was kidding I don't have I stop where I lay on his chest bit any way I was asleep and I hear him talking to someone on the phone I am still under him I should hear what the other person was saying so I shoot up a little to his shoulder where I could hear what they was saying it sound it like Mani or one of the Boy's I know that voice it was JI but JI not in the hotel room he somewhere with lyric

Nova on the phone.

Nova: hello

JI: hey wyd

Nova: nothing laying with dee she asleep

JI: oh ok so I need to talk to you about dee

Nova: ok? What is it

JI: well when we where in Texas I said some thing to her and I feel bad for what I said  to her I just want thing to go back the way they where between me and her and forget that I kissed her I feel bad what I said to her and I just want things to go back they way they where before all this drama happen...

Nova: what did you say to her in Texas...

JI: I said um...

Nova: JI what did you say to her JI

JI: I call her a bitch ass

Nova: really man really you can't be talking

JI: I know nova I can't be talking cause I am one I miss her has my sis, friend, buddy I want us to talk again like we use to.

Nova: I will try to talk to her about it now let me go to sleep

JI: alright man bye

*Hangs up still dee POV*

So nova went to sleep I woke up and I was thinking about what JI said to nova on the phone I do miss when we use to talk and I miss my brother uggh why does my life have to be bad why me!!! But I got out of Nova's grip I walk out the room I walk down the hotel hall until I reach  the elevators I went to the food section in the hotel so I got out the elevator and walk to buffet In the hotel that what it's called so I got me a plate and I am eating I am on my phone watching YouTube I am watching perfect laughs then form the distance I saw Mulatto she came to sit by me I stop the video and turned my phone off the me and mulatto talk until we had to go back to the hotel room cause of the show  so we head back to the room and went to sleep.

|>> 3am still dee POV

So I got up I took a shower, brushed teeth, Wash face, put on some clothes and went to go wake up nova. Nova baby wake up nova nova wake baby he Wake's up well barely opens his eye's he said what is it Baby what's wrong I said we have to get up to go to the Stadium BABY he said but baby has he warp his arms around my waist I was sitting cris cross apple sauce he warps his arms around my waist he puts his head on my thigh I said nova baby come get up we gonna go practice baby he said fine he said but can I get a kiss I kiss him oh his cheek then he got up and went to the bathroom and did his thing and got dress everyone did we where so tried so we got are stuff cause we are leaving after this we are going to reading PA that nova home town so we put are stuff on the bus and we finally got there about 27 mins so we practices until JD said where one can rap and when that person done someone else come on after so we did that then he said go to the bus and get some sleep the show start at 7:00 pm so we did we got on are bus that we where signed when we are got are bus we fell a asleep in booth, couch, floor that how tried we where. Then it was an hour later we all woke up to get ready for the meet and greet then the show so we where in are dressing room messing around then me and JI start fake fight it was fun that we can talk again the me and mulatto where fake fight she scratched me I scratch her she almost broke a nail so she stop. Then me and nova start fake fight I know he will let me win so I start down talking him it works some and nova where fake fight I jump on his back and hr was off balance sine fell I was still on him I said I win he pulled me off of him and pin me down I forgot that everyone was watching us he said I win I said are you sure with  force I push him off and I pin him down he said fine you win this time I said I know you let me win I pecked him on the lips and then got off of him everyone was staring at us I said what they said y'all are the cuties couples ever  then nova pulled me close to him by warp one arm around my waist then we went to go sit down on the couch.

|>>  show Time still Dee POV

So they season 1 went first the  season 2 then 3 then 4  then the so so def artist went then the people rapping with other went then then ones sing by them self after that we went to the meet and greet so has you already know are fans screamed for us then they screamed for Mulatto and Mani and so on and so forward after that we got back in the bus yea  another boarding ride so fun yeah ugh why ....

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