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Hola Everyone,

Surprised 😀😀😀...I am back with the next update!!! The reason for this early update has been mentioned in the note at the end, please do read it.

Thank you everyone for the votes & comments, Thank you for encouraging me, really means a lot 🙂🙂🙂. Without further ado here's the next part. Hope you like it :-


While on one hand Dev and Sonakshi were lost in their thoughts about the relationship they shared far away there was someone who was lost in the past and it was none other than Avni, she had decided to spend the night at the Dixit house with the sisters in the hope of coming out of her past which had resurfaced after six years. She was sitting on the swing placed in the lawn as her thoughts went back to the conversation she had with Jatin this afternoon at the Orphanage....


After Dadi had introduced Ishwari to everyone Avni had left from there to play with the kids, seeing it as an opportune moment Jatin as well followed her in the hope of striking a meaningful conversation. Ever since he met Avni after so many years the hope of getting his love back had resurrected and he was ready to do anything for it. While Avni was playing with the kids Jatin was again lost in her giggles and innocence, but he composed himself and went to her.

"Avni, I wanted to speak to you?" he said, even though she had made it very clear to him that she did not want to speak anything about the past but Jatin was not going to give up so easily.

"Mr.Roy, if its anything apart from work then I am not interested in talking about it. In fact, I do not want to speak about work as well as I do not work on Sundays" she spoke in a cold tone as Jatin smiled internally, she was still the same headstrong girl whom he fell in love with.

"Avni, please listen to me once, if not for anything else at least for the sake of the relationship which we had shared please listen to me once" he said in a pleading tone as Avni softened a bit at the mention of it, it was the most beautiful phase of her life. Seeing Avni quiet Jatin felt confident and continued.

"Avni, I know you hate me but believe me when I say this. The day we had ended our relationship I regret it every day. In fact, if I could go back in time I would have never allowed that to happen but what has happened is the past and I am sorry about it, but do you think we can give our relationship another chance" he said as he saw Avni stiffen a bit but the next moment she turned towards him, anger was visible on her face.

"Jatin, what gave you the impression that I will give our relationship another chance. If you have forgotten let me remind you it was you who had decided to end our relationship and today, you want us back. Do you think I am a toy who can be played with according to your whims and wishes?" she spoke sonorously as Jatin was left tongue tied listening to her which was indeed the truth.

"Avni, I know I made a mistake and I feel guilty about it, but you know the reason for my decision. I know it was an immature decision but...." he spoke but before he could continue Avni interrupted him

"It was not about being immature Jatin, it was about the trust you had in me. Tell me Jatin had I ever forced our relationship on you, in fact I had never asked for your commitment as well. All I wanted was to share your responsibilities, your journey but what did you do. You felt our relationship was a burden on you and decided to end it without even giving it a chance. And today you want us to be back together. Why what has changed in so many years that you don't feel it as a burden anymore?" she said angrily as tears flowed from her eyes unabashed recollecting the past as Jatin was left speechless once again, but his heart wrenched when he saw her crying, forgetting everything he took her into a bone crushing hug as Avni did not say anything except wetting his shirt with her tears but as soon as she realized what was happening she just pulled out of the hug and pushed Jatin away from her.

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