chapter 3

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Third-person Hiccup:

As Hiccup and Toothless followed the dragons from Berk. The more nervous he became. Those who did have food didn't even eat any of it yet, while the others would scoop up anything big that would breach the water's surface. They seemed scared. He could tell by how they flew with a jerking twitch in their wings and how their eyes were slitted, and not because they were feeling threatened.

After a few more hours of flying, they encountered a huge wall of mist. As they came closer to it, Toothless started acting strange. "Hey, bud, what's wrong?" Hiccup whispered, concerned for his friend. Then Hiccup realized that the other dragons were also acting strangely. More and more dragons started coming. They eventually lost track of Berk's dragons from Berk, but he felt that he didn't need to keep his mind on them anymore. They were all heading in the same direction anyway. They followed the stream of dragons as they flew to what he believed was the Island's center.

The mist abruptly ended at the base of a volcanic island. Their stream of dragons was one of many all entering the volcano through cracks. It was a wonderful yet terrifying sight to see. They squeezed into a small hole, then opened up into a humongous volcanic cavern. Thousands upon thousands of dragons started flooding in. Hiccup wasn't able to take insight for Toothless shot up onto a small ledge above the pit. They hid behind a natural pillar and peered down at the dragons discarding the stollen or hunted goods into the pit. "Well, it's satisfying to know that all our food is being dumped down a hole," Hiccup mumbled.

They watched as the dragons came in from pooling to a trickle. The last dragon to come in was an empty-handed gronkle. He regurgitated a fish and began scratching with glee. Then, almost too quick to register, a giant dragon head snatched the gronkle out of the air. "What the..." words could not express Hiccup's fear of the giant dragon he'd never seen before. "This all makes perfect sense!" Hiccup said, putting the pieces together. "You guys are the workers, and that is your queen. Your getting food for her so you won't become the food...", suddenly the dragon's head popped up again and started sniffing the air. It could smell me, and Hiccup thought as the dragon's eyes looked in their direction. "Let's do this," Hiccup said, hunching lower to Toothless. He responded with a roar and a plasma blast to the dragon queen's face.

They shot out with the other dragons and flew around as the dragon queen broke out of the volcano. When she was fully out, Hiccup and Toothless started pelting her with plasmablasts. Shot after shot of plasma shot into her thick scales. How in Helhime do we kill this thing? He thought. They got her flying when Toothless shot a powerful blast at her side. He looked into the black clouds above. Then suddenly, a memory appeared in his mind.

A month in half ago...

Hiccup had finally mastered Toothless's tail fin after a near-death experience, plummeting to the rocky shore below. They were celebrating with a fish dinner on a giant, rocky area. Hiccup was cooking his small fish by the fire while Toothless ate his pile. Toothless started to gag, which caused Hiccup to turn with concern. The head of one of his fish came out of his mouth as he looked questioningly at Hiccup. "No thanks, I'm good," Hiccup said, showing Toothless his fish as proof. Satisfied, Toothless continued his meal. Seconds later, three terrible terrors came flying at them. Hiccup thought nothing of it. However, Toothless growled and put a protective claw over his pile. A light yellow terror ran boldly to Toothless, who growled and made the terror jump back. A blue-colored one grabbed the fish head Toothless regurgitated and started to eat. The yellow one came over only to be blasted by the blue. As Toothless was distracted by the terrible terrors fighting, he didn't notice a green one had snuck into his pile until he felt the pile shift. Toothless quickly grabbed the fish and yanked it from the terror laughing. The terror, however, couldn't find the humor in this and spit out the fishtail fin. His mouth filled with gas as he was about to let loose a 'mighty' flame when Toothless shot a small blast into the dragon's mouth, causing the pathetic creature to collapse on itself. "Huh, not so fireproof on the inside," Hiccup joked.

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