Chapter 16

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"Shhh, I know it's a lot to take in Stoick. First Hiccup, now me. I've been living with the dragons all these years, protecting tjem as well as the vikings. I told you, all of you, that dragons aren't dangerous, murderous, savage-".

"I don't care Valka, gods! I'm jaust glad you are back!" He exclaimed as he hugged his wife. A smile came over her face as she hugged him back. Astrid and Hiccup exchanged glances and smiled at the happy reunion. Once they parted, Valka grabbed Stoick's arm and started pulling him excitedly to their old house, "come! We have lots to talk about!" She exclaimed excitedly as she and Stoick broke into a run. They ran to their house, not a care of how childish they looked because he felt the youngest he has since years. He felt like he was reborn and that the gods had finally filled the gaping hole in his soul.

"Val, where have you been this entire time?" He asked after a while when they settled down. Valka smiled as she replied, "I was at the dragon sanctuary... which is now in danger".

Stoick frowned, "what do you mean?"

Valka sighed, "there is a lot I need to tell you...".


Hiccup layed down on the soft ground as his back was propped against the boulder Toothless hid behind the first time Hiccup encountered him in the cove. Astrid laid next to him, her head resting upon his chest. Hiccup ran his fingers through her surprisingly soft hair as he watched the golden sun rays danced through the leaves and the wind slightly rustle the trees. Hiccup sighed, sighed as he thought of what his mother had said before.

"We are in a lot more danger now than ever. If Drago has an Alpha... we suspected, but I never thought that... I hoped that it'd juat be a useless worry...".

Astrid nodded, knowing exactly what he ment.

"You know, I was thinking. If we come back alive-".


"Hey! You never know! Anyways... I was wondering.... well... do you think that.... I mean.... would you like to be... my.... would you like to get... oh for the love of-!"

Astrid jumped up and kissed Hiccup on the lips, a smile plastered on her face as she excitedly waited for Hiccup's next words.

"Astrid Hofferson? Would you like to be bound together with me in love?"

Tears fell fron her eyes as she nodded her head, "now... and forever!"

They then kissed long and hard for a long time. When they pukked apart, Astrid whispered something into Hiccup's ear which caused his eyes to go VERY wide.

"Astrid! No! We aren't even-".

"No one will notice, especially since we are going to get married immediately after we save the sanctuary".

He sighed, looking away... should we?

"Oh... alright".


"...eventually, we found Hiccup at the nest. Wounded severely and so was Toothless. I fixed them up as much as I could. When he was well enough, I introduced him to the Alpha and that was that", Valka said, ending her tale. Stoick gave a look of intent as he absorbed the information.

"Odin's beard. First the Red Death, now a Bewilderbeast. What other monstrosities have the gods been hiding right under our noses", He thought with bitterness.

"What would happen if Drago's Alpha won?" Stoick asked, afraid he knew the answer but didn't want to admit it.

"Then he would have control of all dragons", Valka said sternly. Stoick's face fell as he absorbed that thought.

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