chapter 8

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She continued to stare at him like she had just seen a ghost. Okay... this is getting awkward, Hiccup thought as he walked over to Astrid. He waved his hand over her face saying, "hello? Berk to Astrid". Suddenly her eyes started to fill with tears, "YOUR ALIVE!" she yelled and flung her arms around him. She knocked into him with such force that his helmet flew from his grip. Okay, this is- "oomph!" She punched him in the stomach sending him to the ground. "That's for leaving on a night fury, making me think your dead for five- five years, making me have to marry Snotlout because you are gone, and refusing to tell Berk about the dragons." Hiccup got up and started backing away from Astrid, is she crazy! He thought. Then she grabbed him and kissed him long on the lips. At first, he was shocked, then he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back. When they parted, Astrid smiled, saying, "and that's for everything else."

They stared into each other's eyes until Hiccup frowned. "What?" Astrid asked. "I'm still not going to Berk and convincing the villagers." She rolled her eyes. "You want to protect the dragons, don't you? This is the best way to". Hiccup sighed internally as he said, "I'll think about it, but as I had said. No one would listen to me. My own father wouldn't when I was still a citizen of Berk. What makes you think I can convince all of Berk that dragons aren't bad?"

"You convinced me, someone, who hated dragons because they killed her parents when she was little."

Hiccup stared at his feet. I know, but..., he thought, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. To break the awkward silence, Hiccup asked, "Do want me to take you back? I'll take you as close as possible-".

"Hiccup, I'd love that," she said with a smile. Hiccup looked at Toothless, who just glared and turned away from them as if to say, you guys are on your own here. I'm sleeping. "Well, I guess we're walking."


He stayed behind in the trees, watching her as she walked back to the village she loathed. She hated it because she felt trapped, bound to something she didn't want. She glanced back at Hiccup, who had once again dawned his helmet and cloak. Why can't I leave with you, or why can't you stay? She knew why, but she still asked these questions as she turned back to Berk, dreading each step she took.


He continued to watch her go. He was about to leave when he heard a familiar voice in the distance. Hiccup climbed the closest tree to get a better view of what was going on in the village. His heart dropped when he saw that the villagers had surprised Astrid, with Snotlout as the leader of this. Hiccup growled, as smug as ever dear cousin, he thought bitterly as he saw Snotlout swagger up to Astrid with that arrogant smile he always wore. Hiccup stood on the brach and leaned on the trunk as he watched the procession below.


This is exactly why I didn't want to come back! Astrid thought dryly as Snotlout approached her. He grabbed her hands in his and smiled. "My dearest Astrid Hofferson, we have known each other since we were little-." And I never liked you, "-and now we are older. I am to be the next chief, so I ask you, my dearest friend, to join with me in marriage. So we can strengthen Berk against both dragons and human threats". Astrid almost cringed. Mother and father must have written this speech for him. Spitlout and Snotlout don't have the intelligence to make such a well-worded engagement speech..., she looked out into the forest where Hiccup was, possibly still watching. I love you always, Hiccup, but you know as well as I that, if you don't come back, this is the life I must have. I am sorry. With no emotion on her face or in her voice, Astrid said, "I accept." Relief flooded Snotlout's face as the crowd erupted in cheers. Astrid still gazed into the forest, thinking about the only man on this island that she could actually see herself with.

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