chapter 12

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Omniscient narrator:

After the shock wears off, Snotlout screams, "your not supposed to be here!!! You can't... but your supposed... Your dead!!!"

Hiccup's eyes widened sarcastically, "am I?" He checked his hands and made a show of patting himself down, he side glanced at Astrid who was covering her mouth to sheild her laughter. Her smile gave him more confidence which caused him to laugh carelessly.

Astrid had been through exactly what all the people from Berk are currently going through. She was laughing because of Hiccup's humor, thats true, but she also laughed in delight because Hiccup, not only decided to show Berk that dragons aren't a threat; but he also revealed himself to the village. Something he was reluctant to do. She prayed that it'll be enough to accept him back so they can call off this ridiculous wedding.

Gobber watched the scene unfold below with a mix of shock and relief. He knew that Hiccup was alive, no matter what everyone else said. He kept his beliefs to himself because there was no evidence to support his beliefs. Eventually, he even started to think that Hiccup was perhaps truly dead! But here he stands, disproving everything everyone ever thought impossible by the 'village nuisance'. Everyone except Gobber to be exact. I knew you were smarter than we give ya credit for, he thought happily. He gazed over to where Stoick was sitting to find his throne vacant. Now were in Odin's beard is that man?

Why is he here! Snotlout thought as fear and... possibly relief? Flowed through him. Seeing his little cousin again was like seeing a ghost of a long forgotten enemy. He was relieved to see Hiccup alive, no matter how much he disapproved of him, he didn't want to see him dead. But he didn't expect him to come back, let a lone be, not only buffer than himself, but also better looking. He now felt threatened by his very appearance, something he never felt before when looking at Hiccup. All the mean things he's ever said, all the things he did, all the careless, ignorant, and selfish things he's ever thought hit him at the moment his eyes met those forest green eyes came flooding back to him. Like a tsunami in a horrible hurricane, he now feard Hiccup. With all the dragons here he could reak havoc on Berk, have his revenge on everyone who had wronged him. And he knew that he'd be first on that list.

Ruffnut didn't know what to think, only that Hiccup looked hot! Tuffnut saw his sister staring at the old nuisance and growled like a dragon. She glared at her brother and said, "can you not mimick a dragon while I am watching the drama?" Tuffnut mumbled, "more like watching Hiccup, what is even the big deal anyways? Wasn't he like, kicked out of Berk or something?"

"No idiot, he left!"

"I think he left because he would have been banished anyways!"

"No, its because no one would listen to him!"

"No, its because he was a heretic!... what's a heretic again?"

They continued to argue as Fishleggs started at Hiccup with a look of awe. He's alive! Really alive! He thought as he bounced excitedly. He couldn't hide the wide smile playing across his face as he looked down at the missing heir.

"Leave Rogue!" Yelled Spitlout as he jumped into the arena. Hiccup turned his attention away from the son and onto the father as he marched over to him with hatred in his eyes. Spitlout was so close to his dream, his dream that his own flesh and blood would rule Berk. That Snotlout, not Hiccup, would become cheif of the Hooligan Tribe. Now, with Hiccup here, his dream began to fall apart. His last hope, was to make sure he leaves, and fast. He walked right up to Hiccup and tried to intimidate him, which obviously didn't work because he was slightly taller than Snotlout which means he dwarfed in comparison. "You don't belong here, your not supposed to be here, we don't want you here! You need to leave now or el-."

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