Chapter 14

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Omniscient narrator:

Valka, Hiccup, and Astrid sat on the ground in a circle with each of their dragons sitting behind them. A fire crackled between them as it was a cold, overcast day and it was about mid-afternoon.

"So now", Valka said after the brief summery of Hiccup and her life after he left Berk, "its time we get down to why I called upon you, Hiccup". She turned to Astrid and added, "you can stay too, as long as you promise that you won't say anything to anyone. If word where to get out, two things will happen. Firstly, the people will ask were you got this information and that will lead them to me. Secondly, everyone will need to have a level head while you train Berk, do you understand?"

Astrid nodded but remained silent, eager to here more secrets about Hiccup and his mother. They intrigued her, especially how much he had changed. She still will remember the weak Hiccup who ran away whenever she heard his name, but when she sees him, she only thinks of Rider, not Hiccup. Then, reality would kick in that this was Hiccup now. And that he was all her's. The thought made her blush and smile as she turned to him. Their eyes met and they exchanged their feelings through their eyes. He seemed to know what she was thinking as he smiled back at her. They heard a ruffling of paper which caused them to turn their attention back to Valka.

She pulled out a map and pointed at a place northish of Berk. "This is where Drago Bludvist is-".

"You mean the Drago Bludvist? Stoick told me about him once-".

"Yes Astrid, the Drago Bludvist. Anyways, he is creating a dragon army. As you know my son, but I think I know how and why".

Hiccup leaned closer to his mother and asked in a small voice, "why?" He thinks he knows the answer but-

"I think he has a Bewilderbeast, like the king at sanctuary. I also think he plans to challenge our Bewilderbeast to take our dragons as well. And as you know, many years ago, Drago interfered on a meeting between all the chiefs. He promised to protect them if they'd make him king. They laughed and ridiculed him. As he left armored dragons came in ad destroyed the meeting place and killed almost all the chiefs, almost. Stoick was the only survivor. So, I think he also plans on taking over Berk as well".

Hiccup's eyes widened as he shot up. "this is bad, very very bad. Do you know for sure mom?", he asked as he started to pace.

"Not entirely but my gut has never been wrong. I only remember seeing a giant mass of darkness under the water and two tusks breaching the surface. Also, Cloudjumper was acting strangely...", the dragon perked on hearing his name from Valka's lips. He came by and nuzzled her hand affectionately. She absently scratched his owl like head as she stared at her pacing son with concern. "Then I can only speculate but again, my gut had never been proved wrong and that's what it's telling me".

"I'm at a disadvantage here", Astrid said, "what is a Bewilderbeast and why is it bad that Drago has one? It's bad enough that he is making a dragon army, but-".

"Do you really want to know Astrid? With something like this, ignorance is bliss", Hiccup pointed out.

"I want to know Hiccup", she said, her eyes hard and determined. Hiccup sighed.

"A Bewilderbeast is a tidal base class dragon. He is like a king of all dragons. He controls all dragons. H is possibly as big as a mountain and a powerful creature. The one mom and I know is a peaceful one who lives in an icy sanctuary. I will repeat that they can control dragons, like, mind control. So he who controls the Bewilderbeast, controls the rest. Obviously, other dragons can be an alpha if they are strong enough. Loyalty based on strength and honor. But it's easier when a dragon can actually control the dragons. And that is what the Bewilderbeast can do, and it's hard to resist".

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