My Birthday (I)

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(Helena's Point of View)

It's my birthday. I'm finally turning 17. One more year to freedom. One more year to be able to do whatever I want. I've been so happy lately. Demetrius...he's just been the best. I can't believe this is happening. I feel like my life is finally turning for the better. I free. I'm even having a birthday party this year. Yeah. Me. Having a party and inviting people over. Hermia convinced me and things have been going great. I haven't hurt myself in months. It honestly feels amazing.

I invited Hermia and Lysander obviously, and Demetrius is coming today too. He said he'd love to. Everything just feels so surreal. Hermia came with Lysander hours before it was supposed to begin, and she of course invited some of her friends over. I don't really have anyone to invite of my own, but I don't even care about that right now. It doesn't matter. This is all I need.

My dad has been on a trip for a while, being a truck driver. It's fine though. I feel a bit more free to do as I please that way. Hermia went straight to putting music on. She's been dancing for a while now and even convinced me to get up a couple times.

It's now 10:27. The party started at around eight and Demetrius isn't here. It's okay though, he just said he's running late cause he had to help his dad with some things. My phone vibrates and I nervously check who it is. My heart pounds as I read the words "I'm here." A heart emoji complimenting the phrase. A smile creeps its way onto my face and I open the gate to my backyard. Hermia and Lysander have been dancing like crazy since this whole thing started, along with some of their friends. I put on makeup today and even tried dressing up a little. I see Demetrius get out from his car and smile at me from a distance. An excited, yet anxious grin forms on my face. He walks towards me.

There he is. The love of my life. Right in front of me. He picks me up and spins me around and I squeal and giggle in happiness. My legs are wrapped around his waist and I'm looking down at his face. It's funny. I remember myself, months ago, the depressed teenager I was. Thinking nothing would ever work for me. Thinking I was destined to be alone while my best friend lives her best life. Thinking my only source of happiness was my writing and singing. Now here I am, and the physical embodiment of all things good in this world is holding me like a child. I hold his cheeks in my hands and kiss him gently. His lips comply and do the same. I feel him smile in the kiss. I involuntarily smile back. Our lips are parted by our happiness.

Out of nowhere, something bumps into him, breaking us apart. He slowly puts me down. Another group of friends arrived to the party, carelessly bumping into him as they entered. They immediately go in and greet Hermia. I almost turn back to Demetrius before noticing they're all holding something. "What's wrong?" Demetrius asks. I brush over the question and take hold of Demetrius' hand, taking him to the party itself.

"What's going on?" I ask, somewhat feeling hurt. Some of Hermia's friends had arrived, holding various types of alcohol in their hands. "Oh..." Hermia's smile dissipates. She gestures to her friends as if saying "I got this. Don't worry." And pulls me away from the crowd of ambitious teens.

"Hey...I know you don't really like drinking and stuff, but I just's your birthday! And you finally have a boo. Don't you wanna celebrate?" She asks with a smile.

Hermia never knew why I didn't like drinking. She doesn't understand. She doesn't know what it's like having a mom lost to bottles of alcohol, or even comprehend what it's like having an addiction born into your system. Predetermined by your maker before you even enter this world.

"You know I don't like this. At all..." I said, shying away from the conversation. She grabbed my hand and made me look at her. "Helen. Please. Come on. Don't you want to know what it's like to have fun in your life for once?" I stop. I look at Demetrius and Lysander awkwardly trying to mingle and become friends. I look at the group of girls and guys happily dancing and hastily opening drinks. Everything is telling me not to say yes.

"....Yes." I hesitantly said, forcing myself to think positively. Hermia's concerned face forms into a bright one. "Yes!!" She beams and hugs me tightly. For a small girl, she sure is strong. I giggle and slowly detach from her deathly grip. "Go have fun," I say. She grabs my face. "You won't regret this. Promise." With that, she skips back to the group of people and Lysander joins her. He kisses her and hugs her from behind. They return dancing to the horrible pop music.

Demetrius notices I'm done talking and looks at Hermia as he walks towards me. I half smile. "Everything alright?" He asks. "Yeah...I'm fine," I say, trying to shake the worry from his face. "Good." He grins. "Wanna dance?" I nervously play with my fingers. "Uh...I..."

"Hey!!! Hey, hey! Okay!" Hermia interrupts as she lowers the music. "Everyone go to the living room and sit down!" Everyone enters the house, chattering away as they walk. I shrug at Demetrius and we both enter as well, following their footsteps. I sit with the rest of the group. Everyone has a drink in hand except for Lysander, Demetrius and I. The smell is intoxicating, but I attempt to brush it off.

"I wanna play a game Lysander and I like to call 7 Minute Dream." Lysander chuckles and facepalms at the cheesiness and the group of friends giggle and "Ooh." With excitement. My heart pounds as anxiety forms in my chest. "Okay. So. Y'all know how it goes. Two people are chosen by fate to go into the closet and do as their body pleases for seven minutes!!!" Everyone laughs and cheers. Hermia pulls out a mason jar with little papers inside and digs her hand in, swirling them around. She pulls out a paper. I feel like protesting, but my mouth stays shut. "Oooh! Would you look at that! Our first victi- I mean participant is...Helena!!!" I sigh and hold my head in my hands. Demetrius chuckles and wraps his arm around my shoulder, trying to comfort me. "Hmmm...Let's see who is fated to be with the fair Helena." My face goes red hot with embarrassment. Hermia pulls out another paper. "It is...Hele-!! Oh shit." She nervously crumbles the paper and clears her throat. She quickly dives for another paper and takes it out, unfolding it immediately. "Demetrius!!! Now go!" Everyone claps and hollers in excitement. Hermia has a mischievous smile on her face. She gets up and grabs me, pushing me into the closet as Lysander opens it. "I know you!!" I struggle to say as she screams over my words. "La la la, I can't hear you!!!" She childishly yells over me as I enter the tight closet. Demetrius walks in on his own account while laughing. Hermia keeps her eye on me and giggles. "Have fun~." She says in a sing-song voice. The closet door closes and we're left in the silent darkness.

"Uh...Hi..." I nervously blabber. My hands are shaking from the embarrassment and I feel his hot breath in the suffocating room. Out of nowhere, I feel fingers touching my hands, and his hands interlock with mine. I sigh a small sigh of relief.  "I'm sorry you had to be dragged into this...I know I-" My voice is cut off by getting pinned to the wall behind me. "U-Uh...Demetri-" He cuts me off by forcefully pressing his lips to mine and my eyes widen. I attempt to speak, but he keeps my lips busy. I feel the space between my legs begin to get warm. He disconnects from my lips and they go down to my neck, leaving warm bites along the way. Trillions of chills go up and down my body at the sensation. I press my legs together. "I...I..." I attempt to speak, but my mind struggles to string words together and form a coherent thought. He moves my hand to my other one, pinning them both above my head with one hand. His free one wraps around my neck and I groan in pleasure. "What's my name?" He groans in my ear, his hot breath tingling it. I struggle to remember through the wave of emotions and stutter "D-Demetrius..." He chuckles and presses his groin against me. It feels as if a stone is being pressed between my legs. "F-Fu..." He grinds against me. "I love you, Hermia." For a second I freeze. I don't think I'm thinking straight. "Shit." He whispers. "Wh...What did you say?"

"Aaaaaand, time!!" I hear Hermia's voice chime outside of the closet. "Put on your clothes! I don't wanna see any gross junk!!" Demetrius separates from me and I'm panting as the trillion feelings and questions fill my head. Hermia's face pops into view as the light fills the dark closet once more. Feeling blinded, I stumble out of the closet and my eyes start to sting from the emotions. Demetrius stays silent. He walks out of the closet and speaks to no one. Hermia's smile slowly dies as she looks at me. Tears are welling up in my eyes. She gently holds my arm. "I-I have to go..." I whisper, my voice cracking. "I'm stopping the party." She immediately says. "N-No!" I quickly protest. "Please. G-Go on. I just...I need some time..." She looks at me with a concerned expression as I exit through the front door. Demetrius sits down in silence. I walk to my car as tears disable my vision. Fumbling for the keys, I drop them and begin hyperventilating. I breathe in while counting to seven, and breathe out while counting to ten. I hastily pick up the keys, enter the car, and jam the key in the ignition. My car starts and I drive. I can barely see. I don't care about stop signs. I don't care about anything.

I need to go to the forest.

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