Rant 4: Backhanded Comments from Wypipo

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Let's get one thing straight, aight: I loves me some white people, I love all colors and ethnicities of people, I just do. But there are those within each group that can catch these hands real good if they bring any type of bullshit to me, real talk.

Then, there are those that involuntarily try to break us kings and queens down without knowing it. This topic was suggested by A1reader and, though I haven't experienced as much of this issue as many of my Black brothers and sisters, I am familiar enough with it and, after a lot of growing, am quite annoyed with it. So, here we go:

Backhanded comments/compliments given to black people by wypipo (blackpipo in my case - what a twist).

I found this list on...


...and I'm going to address each quote...

Because I. Can't.
1.) You're so lucky, you don't have to tan or use sunscreen.

Um, just because I have more melanin than you doesn't mean that I'm all of a sudden impervious to UV rays, sun damage, and skin cancer. I've heard that black people need to be just as attentive or more attentive to wearing sunscreen, then I've heard that we're slightly less at risk of sun damage and skin cancers because of our darker skin; regardless, EVERYONE should and needs to wear sunscreen, so don't let my skin color fool you, I'm armored up with my Coppertone.

2.) Black people are so cool. I wish I were black.

Sure you do, and I wish that you'd be happy with yourself and stop treating me like I'm a motherfucking trend.

3.) Your hair is so long! Are you mixed with something?

Soooo...you really out here thinking that all black people are walking around looking like this:

Since, apparently, we still look like monkeys to some people and can only have "pretty hair" if we're mixed with something

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Since, apparently, we still look like monkeys to some people and can only have "pretty hair" if we're mixed with something. News flash: this is not what we or our hair look like, our hair varies because, y'know, we're all DIFFERENT individuals (though I do know a woman who looks like this, but ima leave that alone 😂); and yes, I am mixed, just like your ass is mixed 'cause we all know your ancestors were raping mine.


4.) Your hair would look so much better if you wore it straight.

So, you can walk around looking and feeling all pretty and I can't because my hair...isn't straight naturally? What? I wear my hair relaxed right now because I don't have the time, money, or energy to commit to it natural and it's just overall easier to manage relaxed. I don't relax it to feel pretty and I don't feel pretty because it's relaxed, I feel pretty because it's clean and done and I can flip up in a bun or ponytail for conveniency. However, don't get it twisted, sis is planning to embrace the natural curl pattern within a year or so, so keep those notifs on if you're interested 💁🏾‍♀️

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