Rant 19: WP Controversy

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Okay, so the tea might be cooling off, I don't know, but I'm honestly very bothered and confused about the controversy surrounding PRINCESS_REIGNS and her book "Daddy". So, let's just get right into it.

People who lack perspective and want to talk shit.

I. Can't.

I think we can agree that a lot of readers on WP are in their younger teen years, so maybe that's where the disconnect is because...well...I'm 25 and have a good enough amount of life experience to know when people are overreacting, but maybe they know not of the extent of the foolishness and fuckery they're carrying on with.

People were talking about incest, rape, whatever other themes that don't exist in the book. I read it, the six chapters that exist so far and...

...if these hoes ain't reaching, idk what they're doing.

1.) The rape claims: Not ONCE in those SIX chapters did I see anything pertaining to rape. If I missed it or something, someone please let me know and I'll update this chapter and correct myself.

2.) The incest claims:



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First off, the girl in the story is his stepdaughter, not even remotely blood related, and she's EIGHTEEN, a consenting adult. Secondly, it's FICTION. So, here's a little splash of perspective and realism for anyone who's still confused:

Stepdad/stepdaughter or stepwhatever/stepwhatever sexual relationships is NOT a new theme in the fictional world. If anyone had ever been on a porn website, there are HUNDREDS and THOUSANDS of videos where the storylines are centered around different combinations of step-family-members having sex, the taboo of it. The difference here is that we as fictional writers write it out while the pornstars act it out.

Also, the argument of "incest is illegal" literally holds no ground here. These characters don't exist (technically they do, but our versions of them do not), therefore can't be reprimanded or arrested and I'm not even sure if real-life step-family-members can be considering that they're not blood relatives (feel free to correct me because I'm totally not doing the research tonight). Is it something that makes you feel gross and is socially shunned? Yeah, but in the fictional world, this shit just ain't that deep. Hell, there's a whole book of stories about blood relatives having sexual relations and, as of a few minutes ago, it's still up and even has explicit gifs. They. Got. Gifs. How do I know? Fill disclosure: I have it in my library because I was curious to see if anyone would report it (its existence has me shook to the fullest) and if it would get removed, which it has not and I haven't checked on it in months until a few minutes ago. Why is it still there? Because these stories are fictional and, as uncomfortable and weird and real-life wrong as the topic may be, they are still just stories and not real accounts or confessions...unless they are and the characters are just representations of the real people.

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