Rant 6: Dumbasses Part II

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Dumbasses that drive.

I. Can't.

Like, why the fuck don't you know your left from your right? And if you know that the lane you're in, ON THE FAR LEFT, is ending, why THE FUCK do you think it's OKAY to jet your dumb ass all the way from THE FAR LEFT over to the FAR RIGHT?!

And don't give me that "oh, I didn't realize it was ending" bullshit, they tell you that shit a mile or so in advance, you should know, if you can read pictures and words on the ground in front of you, you should know that the damn lane was ending. But why were you in the complete opposite side of the highway from where you knew you had to be?

Holy fuck, these damn people are dumb as Hell.

Like the people who drive for miles with their turn signal on. Like...I'm so perplexed, like...don't you hear that? Can't you hear that? Your deaf ass, that clicking/dinging sound is there for a reason, your car is not tryna serenade you, it is not timing the cookies you have baking at home, it's trying to tell your oblivious ass that you've been driving straight for the past six miles with your clicker on.


Then here be the bitches going 15 in a 75, like...deadass, you want me to fight you, huh? I'm coasting at a smooth 60/65, making my way to Mind my business...then here you go, going 25. Like...no hazard lights on, your tire ain't flat, your car ain't smoking, you're just being slow, unnecessary, and you're in my way...

Get out of it.

Then, there are the bitches that really think they're in the fast and furious. Once again, I'm going at a smooth 60/65, then here come his speed demon going 105, like, bitch...where you goin'??

You're wife better be in labor, your loved one better be stuck in a well, your house NEEDS to be on fire or underwater to justify your sense of urgency. If none of those things are happening and you're just excited for whatever new shit drink Starbucks is offering, please fuck up off my ass and go speed your extra ass somewhere else, preferably off a cliff that you were going too fast to avoid.

That is all for now. What are some of y'all's pet peeves about driving and other drivers? Do you drive as fast as a rock or do you think you're Barry Allen? I speed sometimes but it's completely unintentional, lemme know why you speed.


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