Chapter 2

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It had been two days since our dinner, which meant two days of Bee nagging me to set up a channel so that we could record together. this morning I had finally caved after Bee mentioned making money. I needed a new way to make money. My current job was working at a small pizza joint down the street, which wasn't too bad because I got free food, but then again, there were always my shitty co-workers. Almost the second I caved, she started setting up a channel.

"What will your screen name be?" She asked, smiling from ear to ear.

"I don't know. I'm not exactly creative enough to think of one." I let out a long sigh. It was true, I wasn't creative in the slightest. My room was an example of how dull my brain was: a white bed, black curtains, white desk, etc. Literally no color. Meanwhile, right down the hall was Bees vibrant pink and black room, all frilly and stuff. In comparison, my room looked like a mental ward. "Just make something up."

"But Rose, it's supposed to be your name! It's supposed to describe you but not describe you at all and only you are capable of coming up with it!"

I sat there, just thinking for a while, but everything I came up with sounded stupid. Finally, I decided to blurt out one of my stupid ideas. "Maybe something like msmisty, you know, like Pokémon?"

"Awesome! Just keep in mind, no matter what you put, they will find it normal. I mean, Zachs username is Graser for christs sake!" She yelled, flailing her arms around her head like one of those tall inflatables that you see in front of car dealerships when they're having sales.

"Okay, okay. Calm down, you're gonna kill someone if you keep it up." I mumbled as I typed in the username for the channel and changed my skin to one that looks like Misty. "Hey, at least I'll fit in if we play Pixelmon."

"Let's record your first video now! Oh I know! Let's call Graser and invite him to play some SG with us!" She was already calling him on Skype so I guess telling her no was out of the question. Soon enough, we started the video and began commentating. Graser was a lot less shy over the web than in person which I guess was a good thing. Actually, he was pretty funny too and I found myself guffawing within seconds.

"Stop I might die of lack of oxygen." I managed to choke out between laughs.

"Stop what? Being a good commentator? Sorry." He said laughing along with Bee and I. He wasn't outgoing like this at dinner the other night. Speaking of dinner, I never found out what his idea was.

"Remember dinner the other night?" I decided to question him due to the curiosity gnawing away at the back of my mind.

"Uhu, what about it?"

"What was your idea that you mentioned?" I had completely forgotten about the recording and was now focused on his answer.

"Oh, I had to ask some other people about it before I could ask you but they all agreed with me and we were wondering if you would join the Cube."

"The Cube? What the hell is that?" I yelled into the microphone.

"You're going to have to bleep that out, you know? But The Cube is a survival multiplayer series that everyone does and it's pretty much our own little world. We even have a president!" He tried to explain. I was still lost af though, but I decided to give it a try. it was obviously a big deal.

"Why not?"

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