Chapter 3

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It was actually pretty cool, The Cube, but I was still learning my way around spawn. There's some pretty cool stuff like the White House, Nether Starbucks, and Parker's Valuables. Hell, there was even a lottery! Not to mention the courthouse and reverse taxes. It was a lot to take in, honestly. The Cube was pretty much a country.

Graser was currently helping me build my house while we were skyping.

"You asshole!" I shouted as the death tab popped up. This was the third time he had killed me in ten minutes and I was getting pretty pissed off.

"Just consider it a welcoming gift. I've killed pretty much everyone on here at least once!" He laughed as I clicked respawn. I had to walk 1,000 blocks to get back to my house because I didn't have a nether portal set up yet.

"Well, thank you for murdering me. You're too kind."

"No problem. I'd gladly do it again."

"Aw, so sweet. I love that in a guy." I replied sarcastically with a short laugh at the end.

"Oh uh. Ok." He chuckled nervously.

"Graseys blushing. How cute."

"I wasn't blushing! I just didn't know now to respond to that!" Liar.

"Okay, whatever you say..." I finally made it back to the house just to have Graser shoot me to death again. "Fight me irl bro!" I shrieked into the microphone out of anger.

"I'd still win and you know it!" Just as he said that, I heard the lock click and the door open.

"I guess we will have to end this episode here, Bees home. That's it for this time, bye bye!" I said as I pressed F10 to end the recording.

"But bye bye is my thing!" Zach whined.

"Ya well now it's mine, get over it." I stuck my tongue out before remembering he probably couldn't see me unless his skype was open.

"Whatever. So I guess you have to go."

"I guess." I sighed. I really did like talking to Zach but I wanted to go say hi to Bee, so I guess I had to go.

"Bye, Rose."

"Bye, Zach."

As I turned off my computer, Bee approached me and I noticed she looked distressed.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I think Jordan's cheating on me." She replied, letting out a choked sob. This took me by surprise because, from what I had heard, Jordan was really involved in their relationship.

"Oh my god! What makes you think that?"

She held up her phone showing a couple of tweets between Dul and Jordan. Dul was a fellow Youtuber who was close friends with Bee. The tweets went a little something like this.

Jordan: All because I took Rushers stuff. [Picture of hate comment]

Dul: Been there, babe.

Jordan: OMG! DulJuice called me babe! we must be dating!!!1!!1!

"Bee, that doesn't mean they're dating." I half laughed. It didn't seem like that, at least. They were joking, but it was a little strange.

"But he hasn't texted me back since the dinner and hasn't answered any of my calls. Also, I went to his house to see if he was home and his brother said that he was out of town. He didn't tell me he was going anywhere! I don't know. Maybe I'm overreacting but we have been drifting apart lately and I'm just worried about us, you know?" She finished. She was on the verge of tears and her voice cracked at the end.

"Gosh, Bee, I'm so sorry. I had no idea." I sympathized.

"It's okay. I'm just glad I have you to vent to." She said before continuing in a more cheery voice, "On the other hand, Straub, Dani, and I are going to a convention this weekend! It's in Australia though..."

"That's awesome! That'll be fun! How long will you be gone?"

"Five days including the flight there and back."


But not quite.

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