Chapter 23

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"No one told you?" Jordan spoke slowly as if I was a bomb and if he clipped the wrong wire, I'd explode.

"Told me what?"


[Flash back]

Courtney's POV

"Okay, okay. Never have I ever..." I paused as I thought of a good one to say. "Gone to a rave party."

Jordan, Lilly, Ryan, and Mitch all took a shot. We were all crowded around the small table in the living room of Brayden's house, playing dumb drinking games.

"My turn? Never have I ever gotten kicked out of a bar." Jordan stated, glancing around the table. Ryan, Mitch, Brayden, and I took a shot. I had once before because I punched a girl and broke her nose. She was all over Brayden and I wasn't going to let that happen. Turned out that her dad owned the bar and my options were to either be arrested or leave.

I glanced down at my phone to check the time. "Sorry guys, I have to leave. I'm supposed to meet Rose to try on dresses."

"But you've been drinking. You can't drive." Jordan tried to stop me. He got up and stood between the door and I.

"Jordan, I've only had two shots. I'm fine." It was a lie, I was a real light-weight so two shots did a lot but I couldn't let Rose down.

"Okay. Just promise you'll be safe."

"I promise now move out of my way." I groaned as I pushed him to the side. I made my way over to the stairs and practically fell down them. I pulled myself up at the bottom and began to laugh at myself. As I got in my car, my phone rang, It was just Rose so I ignored it. I would call her back later. The car was too silent so I turned on some Panic! at the Disco and started humming along.

Rose was gonna be so mad, I was already 10 minutes late. Even though the light was red, I kept going. I didn't want Rose to be any more pissed than she was sure to be already. I was almost across the empty street when I heard a semi honk and felt the whole car jerk violently.


My eyes fluttered open and were met by a piercing bright light. I was hooked up to mass amounts of machinery and I could hear the steady beeping of the heart monitor. Slowly but surely, I became more aware of what happened. On my right, Brayden was sitting mumbling and grasping onto my hand.

As he opened his eyes, a smile made it's way to his face. "You're awake. The doctors thought you were a goner."

"Nope. I'm still here but I feel like crap. My insides feel like they are being crushed to dust and my head feels like my brain is trying to escape." It hurt to talk and I couldn't move at all. I could hardly see and my hearing sounded like I had water in my ears. "Am I dying?"

"No, babe. You're going to make it. I love you."

I let my eyes flutter closed. Keeping them open was more exhausting than running a marathon. Everything that was normally so easy and routine seemed so difficult now. "I love you, too." I managed to say. If those were my last words, I'd be okay with that. The steady beeping turned into a monotone drone as I drew my last breathe. I guess those were my last words, and I'm okay with that.


[Present time]

Roses POV

Jordan finished telling me about how he let her drive drunk and I could tell he was on the verge of tears.

"Jordan, it's okay. It's not your fault. She chose to drive and you tried to stop her." I said once I was sure he was done.

"But it is my fault. I could've stopped her and she could still be alive now. Plus, it was her dying that caused you to stress out which is one thing that causes miscarriages. I feel like I ruined your life, Rose."

"How did you know it was a miscarriage?" I asked. He had mentioned that Zach wouldn't tell him what happened when we were on the phone earlier. My fingers were ceased behind my back as I prayed that he hadn't been listening to our conversation.

Jordan looked down at the floor and ran a hand through his already messy hair. "You guys were at each other's throats in there. You're both super emotional and I was afraid that one of you would get hurt so I listened to some of your conversation. Not all of it, just a little bit."

"I understand. It's okay, but I have to leave now. I don't want to be a burden."

"If you ever need anything, just give me a call. Even though I know we aren't really on good terms, I want to help as much as I can." I nodded a little bit before turning around and walking out of the complex. There was only one thing I wanted to do now. It was the only way that I knew how to deal with pain aside from moping in my room. I pulled up to the familiar building and hesitated to go in. The pain took over and I stepped through the doors that started all of my problems but also helped me forget about them.

I knew I was going to regret doing this.



Sometimes my writing really sucks because I hate starting sentences with 'I' but I don't know what other way to start them.

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