Chapter 16

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To sum it up, the dinner was terrible. The whole time, it was just Lilly staring me down and me throwing myself at Zach. Even though we had just started dating today, it felt like it had been longer. Zach and I were so comfortable around each other.
As time progressed, we went on more and more dates. Some of them amazing, some of them... well, not so great. I have only seen Lilly once since then, when Zach invited Ryan and that was one of the not-so-great dates.
Pax Prime was just around the corner though, and I still haven't been accepted for a pass. I've checked my email every day for the past week, to no avail.
"Rose, I'm sure you'll get it. You just have to wait. It doesn't just happen overnight." Zach tried to comfort me. We practically haven't left each other's side since we started dating, and Zach's been nothing but helpful and sweet.
"For you it did! It's been over a week, I'm afraid that I won't get my pass." As I said it, my phone vibrated. My heart raced as I saw the notification was for an email, and I automatically swiped to read it.
"What is it, babe?" Zach asked, he wrapped his arms around me from behind and rested his head on my shoulder so that he could see the screen to my phone.
"It's an email from Pax." My eyes skipped around the paper, searching for the part where it would tell me if I got I got the pass or not. I began reading it aloud. "Hello, Rose, You have been approved to receive a media pass for PAX Prime 2014." My voice raised in volume and pitch as I read. "Zach! I'm going!"
"I told you that you would. You should listen to me more often." He joked before turning his head towards me and kissing my cheek.
"I need to get a hotel room!"
"Just stay at the Cube house. We don't have any extra rooms, but you can sleep with me in mine."
"Are you sure you'd be okay with that? I don't want to be a burden." Zach and I had slept in the same bed together already but I would feel like a pain intruding on their fun and staying with them.
"Rose, all the guys staying in that house love you. They wouldn't mind having you around. Plus, it wouldn't be as fun for me without you there."
"Okay. I'll go."
I was rushing to get everything stuffed into a suitcase before we had to leave for Pax. Me being me, I procrastinated until today to pack and then woke up late. I probably wouldn't of woken up at all, had it not been for Zach knocking on the door.
At the moment, Zach was sitting on my bed, watching as I frantically threw clothes left and right.
"A little help would be nice."
"Get Bee to help you. I don't know what you want to pack." He responded, briefly glancing down at his phone to check the time.
"Good point. Bee!" I yelled down the hall. Out neighbors always filed noise complaints on us because we were constantly screaming from one room to another.
"What?!" I heard a muffled response come from the end of the hall. It sounded like she had a mouth full of food. Nutella, I assume
"Can you come help me pack?" She ran down the hall mere seconds later, with a spoon in one hand and a jar of Nutella in the other. Typical Bee. "Will you go and pack all my make up please?"
"What would you do without me?" Bee rhetorically asked as she shoved the Nutella into my chest and headed towards the bathroom. I felt a pang in my chest at the words, remembering the day she tried to commit suicide. Honestly, I had no clue what I would've done without her. She was all I had left at the time. Another thought sent a shiver down my spine; what if she tried it again? I shook away the thought and dismissed it as my mind just being stressed out. After all, that was over 2 months ago, her mental state has really improved since then.
We packed for the next hour and a half until Bee and I were panting like dogs from running back and forth too much.
"Finally ready." I heaved, as I dragged my bag off my bed and into the hall. Zach left the room and came back a minute later with two glasses of water in his hands. He passed one to Bee and gave me the other one. I nodded a 'thank you' and began gulping it down.
"You weren't thirsty at all." Zach chuckled.
"Shut up. Let's just get going. I wouldn't want to miss our plane."
Bee and I exchanged hugs and good byes as we left. I was so excited for Pax, little did I know, the best and second worst events of my life started there.
FOREVER HAS OVER 3,000 READS!!! Thank you guys so much. I love all of you so much!
This chapter was co-written with one of my good friends PizzaAndNetflix. She's an amazing writer and has some really good 5SOS and One Direction fanfictions. You should go check her stories out.
Anyways, these next few chapters will have some important details but will mainly be fillers for the main plot twist so just keep reading and read carefully. Next chapter will be at pax but it's not going to be in a lot of detail because I have no clue what it's like. Just bare with me.
Thank you for reading and bye bye.

Forever - Graser10Where stories live. Discover now