Chapter 9

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Grasers POV

I felt like I should call her or text her or communicate with her in some way. Every single thought that comes to my mind is her. I don't even know why. We barely even know eachother, I met her only a month ago. In that one month, we've only talked 4 times, once at dinner, once for a recording, once where I screwed everything up, and once where I let her walk away. She had said that I had two strikes left but she never attempted to talk to me. In the few short days that I had known her, she had left a mark on me. I had yet to find out how, but I know it's there. It's kind of like when you wake up with a random scratch on your arm and leg and have no idea how it got there. Kind of.

My patience was wearing thin. I just kept telling myself 'she's just waiting for the right time to call you.' but after this long of waiting, I realized it wasn't going to happen. Of course, I had to make the first move.

I pulled up Skype and scrolled through my contacts before I found Roses. My mouse hovered over the call button for about 5 minutes before I finally gathered enough courage to click it. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. No answer. I closed my computer in frustration and sulked over to my bed and collapsed. In no time at all I was fast asleep.

Roses POV

I was making tea to clear my mind when I heard the annoying chime of receiving a Skype call. I hurriedly put my mug down, obviously too quick. The glass shattered against the marble countertop and the tea practically exploded everywhere. I cursed under my breath as I rushed into the bathroom to grab some towel. By the time I had finished cleaning up the mess, the skype request had been over for 10 minutes. I sighed in frustration and decided to make myself some more tea. I needed to relax quite a bit and whoever it was wouldn't mind waiting another 20 minutes.

So I rinsed the soaked towels out and threw the shards of glass away before I took my second attempt at making tea. I made my way to the giant white chair to the right of the couch Bee and Mitch were laying on. The movie they were watching was The Little Mermaid, luckily, my favorite. It was at the point where Ariel was getting married to Erik, so the very end. I sipped at my tea as the credits roll, mentally preparing myself to stand up. I was so comfortable that I could stay here for the rest of the week and not care, but sadly, I had to stand up and return the call to whoever it was that wanted to talk to me.

When the last credit rolled, and I had my last sip of tea, I finally stood up and walked to my room. The screen of my computer lit up when I touched the mouse and I immediately opened Skype. I smiled slightly when I saw that the recent call was from Zach. My excitement rose with every ring, I hadn't talked to him in a while, after all, and our last conversation wasn't the best. After a little bit of waiting, a groggy sounding Zach answered.


"Hey, Zach. It's Rose."

"Ya, I know. Why'd you call?"

"I could ask you the same question." I smirked as I played with the mini Steve doll I had on my desk. My brother had given it to me a while back when he first introduced me to Minecraft.

"Oh, ya. I wanted to record SG or something with you." He said like it was a question. He sounded like he just woke up and on top of that, he sounded nervous.

"Definitely. Of course. What server?" I asked as I launched Minecraft and changed from the snapshot to the release.

"What do you prefer? Mineplex or MCSG?"

"Um... Mineplex."

"Ok. Let's go. I'm in lobby 5."

"Got it." I mumbled as I clicked on lobby 5. The chat was filled with 'Graser! OMG. Plz.' and 'Screenie? I fna.'. Do they type these with their face or something?

"Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of survival games on Mineplex with Rose. Rose say hello!"

"Hi everyone!"

"Oh my god the game started! I'm being targeted." He screamed and then paused. "I died."

"Congratulations! You want pizza to celebrate?"

"Actually yes."

"Okay where?" I asked, already planning what to wear.

"The joint." He answered, as if it were obvious.

"Where is that exactly?"

"The pizza place on the corner. I go there all the time."

"Oh okay. So much for a recording though."

"Eh. We are getting pizza though so it's okay."

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