Chapter 4

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My first video of the cube was super successful. 30k views already and I'm 12k subs! It was crazy, I got so many subscribers in just over a week.

Bee was at her convention already, though, and I was getting lonely, so I did the first thing that came to mind.

"Hello?" Zachs voice came through the speaker on my phone.

"Zach, Hi!"

"What's up, Rose?"

"Bees out of town for a couple of days so I'm bored. Wanna hang out." I heard ruffling on the other end and a loud crash before Grasers voice shouted 'Shadow, no!'.

"Um ya sure. When?" He came back.

"Like now. Who's Shadow?" I questioned.

"Oh he's my cat. I'm leaving now."

"Okay cool. See you in a minute, Zach."


I then proceeded to do my hair and makeup, I don't want to look ugly, after all.


I heard a light knocking on the door and some shuffling outside. If my assumptions are correct, it's Zach, so I just yell for him to come inside. Seconds after, Zachs steps inside and walks over to the couch where I'm seated.

"Hey, what're you watching?" He asks pointing to the TV.

"Mean Girls. My favorite."

"Hm never seen it before, but I've heard about it." He shrugs off his jacket and hangs it over the back of the couch, as if he didn't just state that he hasn't seen the best movie of all time.

"Sit" I reply, yanking him down onto the couch by his arm. In the end, he ended up just falling on top of me, resulting in both of us blushing and it just. Being awkward. "Ow, sorry."

"Sorry for falling on top of you. That probably hurt because I'm fat. It would've been better if you were on top." He ramble before realizing what he said and quickly taking it back. "Shit, not like that. I just met you and I don't do that with girls I just met. I just... sorry... I sound like an idiot now. Oh god."

"Stop worrying about it. I don't care about any of that. Just forget it happened and watch the movie." I laugh before pressing play and continuing the movie. Halfway through, Zach puts his arm around me which makes me blush furiously, but I assume it just in a friendly way so I don't stress it. Instead I just lean into his side and put one of my hands on his chest. He looks down at me and smiles.

"You're beautiful, you know?"

"Thanks, but not really." I get this tingly feeling in the pit of my stomach. No guys ever call me pretty and none of them are nice and attractive so it makes me feel all mushy.

"What do you mean?"

"It's just, I don't get called pretty, ever, so I don't really know how to respond to that."

"That's surprising, honestly. Guys must just be intimidated. I know I am." He confesses, looking down at his lap.

"Well... you shouldn't be. You're attractive too." I say, regretting it the second the words leave my mouth. I look up to see Zach looking down at me, staring. Slowly, I sit up so that I'm eye level with him. We never break eye contact, and before I knew it, he started to lean in. Or maybe I did. But all that mattered was the end result. As we got closer, I let my eyes fluttered closed and waited for our lips to meet. The second they did, sparks flew. Our lips moved in synch as I pulled at his hair. I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it, his lips were warm and soft but his movements were rough.

All too soon though, he pulled away. Both of us were out of breath and had a shocked expression on our faces.

"Wow, okay..." Zach said, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"Ya, let's just finish the movie." I replied.

We were both on our phones not even watching the movie. I checked twitter and was scrolling through my feed when I had noticed that Graser had just tweeted something. 'So that just happened'. I realized he was referring to our kiss and automatically favorited it before putting my phone down and watching the movie some more.


I just kissed Zach.

No. I can't do that! I barely know him. It's slutty to kiss a guy you barely know. Plus, I can't like him as more than a friend. I decided to say something about it, to tell him not to tell anyone. No feelings could come from this and the more we think about it, the more the feelings will grow. No. We have to put this behind us and never look back. "Can we just... f-forget this ever happened?"

"What? Oh... I guess..." Zachs face automatically dropped and I felt like apologizing but I knew it would make it worse, "I should go. I have to record a Cube episode. See you later." He started to walk off towards the door until I called him back.

"Please, don't let this change things between us. We were just starting to become friends. I don't want to ruin that."

"Don't worry."

And with that, he was gone.

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