Chapter 5

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The days ticked by slowly, every one worse than the previous. Zach hasn't talked to me since the kiss and I feel awful. His intentions weren't bad, I just didn't return the feelings. I haven't left my apartment since then either. Guilt. All I felt was guilt. It wasn't regret for telling him to forget it happened, or grief that he left and wasn't responding to me, it was just straight up guilt that I had lead him on enough for him to believe that I felt the same way, just to blow him off. I had sent message after message to him on Skype and I texted him every day. The oddest thing about it all was that he hasn't even posted videos on Youtube since.

On the third day, I decided I had enough and went to his apartment. The only problem was that I didn't know where he lived. I quickly pulled out my phone and asked Jordan who responded mere seconds later with the address. The second I received the text, I was out of the driveway and on the route there.

There it was. The door to his apartment. My hand floated in front of the door as I gathered the courage to knock. Once. Twice. Three times. On the fourth, he answered. He stood there, looking like a ghost. He smelled of sweat and alcohol and looked like he hadn't showered in years. The second he saw it was me, he attempted to slam the door in my face but I stuck my foot between the frame and the door before he could.

"We need to talk," I stated, frowning at the way Zach looked.

"What is there to talk about?" As I looked over his shoulder, I could see that the apartment was trashed. There were empty beer cans everywhere and even some half-drunken bottles of vodka scattered around.

"Oh, just the fact that you've become a drunk over the course of three days and the fact that I'm pretty sure you haven't showered or shaved over that period of time either. And on top of all of that, it was because one girl told you to forget that you had kissed her."

"It's not just over the fact that you told me to forget it, it was because you came on to me and then got mad at me for kissing you." Anger bubbled inside of me as the words left his lips. He had no right to say I came onto him. I did no such thing. And in no way was I mad at him for it, I was mad at him for ignoring me afterwards.

"What did you just say? I did not come onto you in any way shape or form! We were just watching a movie, not even a romantic one, and then out of the blue you decided to kiss me. I was absolutely not mad at you for kissing me, I am mad at you for promising me that it wouldn't get in the way of our developing friendship, and then ignoring me for 3 days after that and becoming secluded!" I finished with a huff. Zach lowered his eyes until he was looking at the ground like a shameful puppy. If he had a tail, I swear it would be tucked between his legs in sorrow at this moment as an eerie silence fell over us.

It stayed that way for a few stretched seconds before Zach finally spoke up, "I'm sorry." It was barely audible but clear as day.

"I'm afraid sorry's not gonna cut it." I say, turning around to storm off before I feel Zach grab my wrist and spin me around to face him.

"Look, I'm sorry for being an ass and ignoring you for the past few days, I just didn't know how to handle it. Nothing like this has ever happened before for me and I don't know how to react. I promise that I'll never try anything again if you give me a second chance." I thought about it long and hard, and by long and hard I mean for five seconds, before answering.

"Fine, but just remember, three strikes and you're out."


"Bee, where are you?" I asked through the phone, while I was playing club penguin on my computer.

"I just left the airport, I'll be home in around 10 minutes. But I have something bad to tell you." Before I could ask what it was, she hung up. Thanks for that, Bee.

As I waited, I played some more CP until I finally heard the sound of the front door closing.

"Hello?" Bee called out.

"In here!"

I heard some shuffling and sniffling before Bee finally entered my room. Her eyes were bloodshot and red with lots of evidence that she had been crying lately.

"Oh my god! Bee, what wrong?"

"It's Jordan..."

"What did he do?"

"H-he broke up with me."

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