Chapter 15

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"It's Lilly. She came with Ryan. She left me for him."
My mouth dropped in shock instantly. Of all the scenarios that played through my head, that was the most dreaded, although it wasn't unexpected. I felt hatred toward Lilly, even though I had never met her, and had only become aware of her existence today. The way Zach cried over her broke my heart and made me want to punch her square in the nose. Even if it wasn't Zach that she did that to, I would still loathe her. It's a terrible thing to do and it's immoral, she could've at least told him before he confessed his love to her. I realized that I hadn't responded yet and, instead, was standing there with my mouth open like a baby bird begging for a worm. "Zach, we don't have to go back in there if you don't want to. If you want we can go home, watch a movie, and order Chinese food."
Zach chuckled a bit in response before getting serious again. "As intriguing as your offer sounds, I made a promise to myself that I would move on and go to dinner."
"Are you sure you can do that?"
"Ya, now let's go before you die of frost bite." He jumped off the wall and grabbed my hand to lead me back inside. I was so caught up in all the drama that I hadn't even noticed how cold I was until he mentioned it, and now that he had, I was freezing. Zach must've taken note because he let go of my hand, pulled me closer, and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I looked up at him and burrowed my face into the side of his coat. It was more difficult to walk that way, but it was worth it for the warmth it provided.
We weren't far away from the building, but it took long enough to make me overjoyed when we finally made it. As the warm air hit the bare skin on my legs, I let out a sigh of relief, completely forgetting about who we were about to encounter. The dread slowly came back to me as I looked up to see her staring at me, hatred clear on her features. Why would she hate me, though? She probably doesn't even know who I am. Realization hit me as I remember the weight on my shoulder, she was jealous. An idea crossed my mind on how to get back at her for what she did to Zach, even if it wasn't as bad as what she did to him. I put my plan in action by turning to Zach, getting on my tip-toes, and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled at the contact and turned his head to kiss me on the lips. It was just a peck but when I turned back to Lilly, she was fuming. Just a few more of those and I'd be satisfied.
"We should go talk to them now and maybe get our table." I proposed when I got tired of standing there and watching Lilly clench and unclench her jaw and fists.
"Ya, let's go."
We made our way over to the group, who were only a few feet away but out of earshot. As soon as Courtney saw me, she clapped her hands together and ran up to me to hug me.
"Hi, Courtney." I struggled to say with the lack of air I had from Courtney's tight embrace.
"I'm so glad you finally came. We've been waiting forever." She said as she let go of me and returned to her place by Brayden's side.
"We had... something come up. Introduce me to your friends!" I prompted, referring to the girl Mitch (MrMitch361 not Straub) had brought, even though I implied that it included Lilly.
"Oh ya! Obviously you already know Mitch and Ryan. But this is Brooke," She said motioning to the tall girl with stunning blue eyes that was standing at Mitch's side. She smiled at me and reached out her hand for me to shake. She looked nice but first impressions aren't always nice; I would've thought Lilly looked nice too, but that's not the case. I decided not to judge too soon and shook Brooke's hand. "And this is... this is Ryan's girlfriend, Lilly." I could tell Courtney was just as uncomfortable as I was, but at least Brayden wasn't cutting off the circulation to her hand.
"It's nice to meet you." I said through clenched teeth as I extended my hand to Lilly. She shook it but it was not a gesture of kindness by any means.
"Nice to meet you, too."
"Okay, well let's go to our table." Ryan said, breaking the hateful exchange. We all happily agreed because the tension in the air, at the moment, could be cut with a butter knife.
Ryan went over to a waitress and said something that I couldn't understand, before she came over and led us to a big, round table that had 8 chairs around it. I was the last to take my seat and almost groaned at the irony. The last seat available was between Zach and... pause for dramatic effect... Lilly. Tonight was going to be dreadful.
Sorry I'm not updating as frequently, but I have writers block.
Also, I want to do QOTD at the end of each chapter but I don't think anyone will answer them so if you will answer them, leave a comment to let me know!
Get out of here you knuckleheads.

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