Chapter 17

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I know some of the facts are messed up in this chapter and it's a little weird but just go with it and don't leave any comments like 'I thought Bayani lived near Bee and Rose.' Jordan lives in Seattle and just visits wherever-the-hell-Rose-lives sometimes, so that's why he was at the restaurant in the beginning and at Zach's apartment a few chapters back. Also, if I mess up any small details, please bring them to my attention so I can correct them. Thank you and enjoy the chapter... hopefully.

At some point in the flight, I had fallen asleep and it wasn't until Zach told me the plane was landing that I had been pulled from my dreams. I yawned and stood up once the seatbelt sign had gone off.

"Let's wait until everyone else gets off the plane so that we aren't rushed and it's not as crowded." Zach suggested. I nodded in agreement but remained standing for the sole fact that we had just been sitting for 2 hours. The longer we waited, the more excited I got about Pax.

After a few minutes, Zach stood up and got our bags down from the overhead bin. We got off the plane and waited for our checked bags at the conveyer belt.

"Who's picking us up, anyways? Or are we calling a taxi?" I questioned. Liam was already here so it was possible that he was picking us up. Or maybe Michael.

"Oh, about that." Zach began, scratching his neck. "Jordan's picking us up."

"But Zach." I whined. "Can't we just walk or something."

"Be my guest, but I doubt you would get half a mile with your bags."

"Fine." I obliged. Finally, the conveyer belt began moving and we retrieved our luggage. We headed out the double doors that lead to the waiting room to find none other than Jordan waiting patiently. When he saw us, he immediately stood up and half-jogged over to us.

"Hey! Do you want me to carry your bags, Rose?"

"I can manage by myself." I huffed and rolled my eyes. I felt bad. Even though him breaking up with Bee almost caused me to lose her, it still wasn't technically his fault. Bee did cheat on him after all. He did the logical thing and here I was being a complete bitch to him.

"Okay. If you change your mind or your arms get tired just tell me." He offered again. You could tell he was really trying, and I was just shutting him down left and right.

"Thank you." I managed to say, conjuring up the best smile I could. If I was going to be spending the weekend with him, is might as well be nice. "So what's first?"

"First, we are going to the Cube house to drop off your stuff. I'm not staying there because my apartment is really close by. But afterwards, we are gonna go look at some of the merch they have around the convention."



Zach and I had just finished putting away our clothes in the dressers provided in the small bedroom designated for Zach and I. No one else was here, the rest had gone to look at the plushies and shirts, leaving us alone.

"So, what do you want to do?" Zach asked as he organized his setup on the desk in the corner.

"I have an idea."

(Insert smut here, I'm not gonna write anything bad because my family reads this.)


Everyone had finally arrived and we were all gathered around the TV in the living room. The room was too small to fit everyone here, but we were all really close so we didn't mind squishing in together on the two couches. Zach and I got one of the reclining chairs on the end so we were laying right next to each other. Rusher and Courtney were lying pretty much the same way right next to us and then on the other end were Brooke and Mitch, the same way. Luckily, Ryan and Lilly didn't come which made the circumstances even better. Liam had picked a movie and didn't let anyone see what it was because he said that 'mystery would add to the thrill', whatever that means.

We all sat, anxiously waiting for the ads to finish so that we could figure out which movie it was. Suddenly eerie music began to play and the title screen came up. Simultaneously, all the girls buried they're faces into they're boyfriends chest to keep themselves from having to watch it. That included me. I was never goo with horror movies and this one seemed creepy as hell. It was called Oculus and I had no interest in finding out what it was about. Michael had brought us all blankets so that we could hide our faces but still watch the movie, which all of us gladly accepted. At some point in the movie, I fell asleep on Zach's chest.



Hi! Sorry that my updates are getting less frequent and shorter but I'm just trying to figure out how to ease it into the next part. I have big plans for this though which most of you will probably hate me for but just be patient.

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