Chapter 19

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My heart sped up to double the pace and I began to have a miniature panic attack. I can't be pregnant, I'm only 19. But then another thought crossed my mind, it was obviously Zach's, how was he going to react? I needed some advice from someone else and my go-to girl was and always will be Bee. Slowly, I sulked into her room and sat on her bed. She immediately paused Minecraft and turned to face me.

"Hey, Rose. What's up?" She asked. I went through all the ways I could phrase it to not make it sound too bad. What was I supposed to say, 'Hey Bee, I got knocked up after a month of dating a guy. Should I keep it?'. I don't think that was going to cut it.

"I have to ask you something."

"Okay. But first, can I tell you something? I've been putting it off for a while." I would allow her to go first with joy, it would give me more time to think.


"You know how Mitch has been staying with us?" She waited for a response. I gave her a small nod and she continued, "Well, he asked me to move in with him... in Australia."

"Australia? Are you going to do it?" It was great for her but terrible for me. She got to move in with someone who makes her happy but I lose her when I need her most.

"Ya... I'll be a lot closer to my family over there and Mitch's and I's relationship is getting really serious... What were you going to tell me."

I didn't want her to feel guilty and stay here so I kept my mouth shut and let her have her moment. "I honestly forgot."

"Okay, well, I'm going to go back to my game. If there's anything you need, you know where to find me."

As I walked back down the hall, I realized that I still needed to get advice from someone so I instinctively texted Courtney for advice.

'Hey, I need to talk. You free?'

She texted back after 2 minutes of me sitting and worrying on my bed.

'Sure. Want me to come over?'


I sat and waited, planning what I was going to say once she showed up. Finally I heard a knock on the door. Within seconds, I was on my feet and at the doormat.

"Oh my god, Courtney. I messed up." I said as I opened the door. Only, instead of Courtney on the other side, it was Zach.

"How did you mess up exactly?" Zach asked, walking into my apartment and sitting on the couch. Nothing was going as planned today. First the test, then the thing with Bee, now this.

"Zach, I'm sorry. I was expecting Courtney."

"But we made plans, remember?" Zach questioned. As he mentioned it, the memories of making plans came back. We were supposed to go shopping right now but I was afraid it would be far from that.

"I'm sorry. I have some bad news though." Might as well just tell him. He was going to find out in the end anyway, it was better sooner than later.

"I can handle it."

"Zach, I'm..." I trailed off, not wanting to continue. I was afraid. Afraid of how Zach would react, afraid of the choices to be made, afraid of the possibility of raising a child. Just afraid. Suddenly, I broke down crying. It was so overwhelming. Zach pulled me into a tight embrace and I sobbed uncontrollably onto his shoulder. "I'm pregnant." Zach tensed up beside me and when I looked up at him he looked distant and pissed. "You're going to break up with me aren't you?"

"What? No! I was just thinking.

"What are we going to do? We have a few options. We could get an abortion, put the baby up for adoption, or keep it but if we keep it, we would have to get married."

Zach sat there, pondering over his options. I wasn't sure what I wanted. Abortion scared me, adoption never ends well, and keeping the kids terrifies me. To me, it didn't matter. Whatever Zach wanted, I would do.

"I think I want to keep the baby." Zach finally decided after a few minutes. If I had been drinking at that time, I would've spit out my water. Out of the options provided, I thought keeping the baby was the least likely. I loved Zach but I didn't think he was ready for anything like that. "I would feel awful aborting it, and adoption always ends in regrets. I feel like keeping it, even though it would be the most difficult, it would be the best in the long run."

"I'm glad you were so supportive but are you sure you're ready for marriage."

"I'm sure I'm ready. With anyone else, I would never ready, but since the day I met you, I knew you were the one I wanted to marry. I love you, Rose."

"I love you, too, Zach"



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