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Saturday, August 8th - Five Days Later

Monroe, "Alright, so be sure to take those as directed and drink plenty of vitamin C as you can to get your immune system back up."

"Thank you." I spoke softly.

"And if there's anything you ever need, you be sure to call me." She saids.

"I will." I said while hopping down from the bed.

"Have a good one Monroe." She saids.

"You too." I left the room, shutting the door behind me. I place my prescription into my bag while heading down the hall. I was here for my check up this month...ever since I became a depressing figure, I've been taking anti-depressant pills and they were actually working, until my doctor decided to put me on a new dosage, so that's why I'm here. Although, nothing has changed since the last incident, its only gotten worse. I haven't been to school, my chest constantly hurts and I still have continuous headaches, I get miniature cramps, I haven't slept in days, I haven't eaten in days either. Corbin still isn't talking to me, he won't even comfort me. Prince has been calling and texting non-stop, but I just ignore him as usual. That kiss replays in my mind every single day, only making me weaker. Who knew depression could have you like this? I never knew it could turn out like this or have you this ill. I wasn't myself, I was back into that small box, praying to be free from this grip.

I stop at the drink machine, buying a bottle of water. I took a small sip of it before placing it into my bag. I felt someone eyes on me as I pick my head up. I turn my head seeing Destiny standing there. She stares right at me with a blank expression and so did I. I eventually look down as she focused on the person who stepped out of the room. It was him, he was right there and I needed to quickly get away before he sees me. I swiftly headed down the hall as I heard him speak to Destiny about whatever.

"Moe?" He called. I kept going, hoping he wouldn't follow me.

"Monroe!" He called. He quickly caught up with me, gently grabbing my arm. I turned towards him, looking down at the floor.

"What are you doing here? What happened, are you alright?" He bombarded, checking me out.

"I'm fine." I say. I didn't want to argue with him, I was trying to get over this depression and arguing with him isn't going to make things better.

"I've been trying to get in touch with you." He began. I continued looking down at the floor, not replying. He lift my chin up, stepping closer to me.

"Look at me." He softly demanded.

"I have to go." I said while pulling away.

"No please."

"Just talk to me for a minute." He saids.

"I know that things aren't going well for us."

"But what happened between Destiny and I was just a heated moment Moe."

"Prince I don't-"

"Listen." He cuts me off.

"Destiny and I had a rough past, we've been through a lot Monroe."

"But that kiss meant nothing mama." He finished.

"I told you who my heart belongs to."

"I don't know who your heart belongs to anymore Prince." I said.

"It belongs to you." He said, rubbing my arms. Do I believe him? Maybe, maybe not...did I just want to let this all go and flow with the wind? At times, but what can I really do? I could walk away and take my anti-depressant pills or I could just continue to take this pain from him until it kills me. I look over at Destiny who waited patiently and quietly with a look of hurt written over her face.

GRAVITY [OLD VERSION] | PRINCETON PEREZWhere stories live. Discover now