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Wednesday, August 26th - Three Days Later

Monroe, "Hey." I greeted her while trailing towards the parking lot.

"Hey, how did it go?" She asked me.

"It was okay, just told them everything I know." I answered.

"I hope they grab enough information." She replies. I was called into the station for questioning. Since Prince was let off the hook, the case is still open and since I was with him that night, I was the first to be questioned.

"Are you still sticking with your plan?" Dee asked.

"Yeah." I told her. I didn't want to tell her that I wasn't leaving and plan on going after Daniel because I don't want her involved and end up hurt. I want to do this on my own and I don't need more than I can handle.

"Okay, well, I'll be by your place later after helping my mom run a few errands, I swear she needs me for everything dammit." She mumbles.

"Okay." I laugh before hanging up. I get into the car and sat there for a moment. If I'm going to get Daniel for what's he done then I need to move in smoothly and quietly. I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm willing to take that risk.

Princeton, I stepped out of the car, watching Daniel and his crew stand there waiting for me. I shut the door, slowly approaching them with caution. They stared me down as I grew closer to me but I showed no emotion.

"It's good to see you out of the bound Perez." Daniel began.

"I see that you've kept with our deal...that's good." He chuckles.

"Why am I here Simmons?" I ask aggravated.

"So cranky, nigga chill."

"I just wanted to congratulate you for not being sneaky." He saids.

"I know it's hard to say goodbye to someone you adore, but at least you got a chance to say goodbye before she leaves." He explains.

"What?" I asked.

"Oops, did I say that out loud?" He chuckled along with his boys.

"Your girl is planning to leave Jay, she's going back home and decided to keep it from you." He grins.

"I don't believe you." I spat.

"You don't have to."

"Just know that the next time you call her phone again, the line will be cut because her ass won't be here." He laughed aloud.

"Hey, I'm sorry man...its's just not meant to be." He stated.

"But look on the bright side, at least you can move on and find you some other bitch." He saids.

"Monroe isn't a bitch, I suggest you watch your mouth." I spat.

"And I suggests you watch who you talking to because you owe me for taking one of my boys." He saids while taking a knife from his pocket. I was kicked to my knees and held by his boys as he approached me.

"You thought I was going to let you get away with it huh?" He asked me.

"You thought that was your way of getting back at me for what I did to your little hoe?"

"You took up for her and now look how she's repaying you."

"She's leaving your ass and let you continue to suffer."

"I refuse to believe you ." I growled. He pulled my head back, holding the knife to my neck.

"You don't have to boy." He growled back. I said a small prayer in my head, hoping to live and see another day.

"Just believe that you're going to pay for what you did." He stated.

"And I'm going to make sure that Monroe witnesses it all before she leaves."

"At least she'll leave with a story to tell." He laughs. With that said, he slit the knife across my arm and I groaned in pain.

"Take care of him, he has to look nice for his execution party tonight." Daniel saids before leaving.

That Night

Monroe, I stare at the letter I wrote for Prince. I know Daniel wants me to stick with his plan and that's what I'm going to do until I make my move. I sigh and fold the letter before putting it in a golden envelope.

"Why does it have to come down to this?" I ask myself. I stood to my feet and skipping my sweatshirt then my shoes before taking the letter from my bed. I grabbed for my keys until hearing something downstairs.

"Buddy." I groaned while placing my keys down. I stepped from my room and down the hall. I listened carefully for him until I reached the stairs. I spotted two guys coming through the main entrance and I backed away quickly.

"This a nice ass house man." One said.

"Let's just get the girl and go before Daniel grows impatient. The other said. I made my way downstairs as the continued talking and hid against the wall. They stepped from the kitchen and one headed upstairs. I watched the other carefully until seeing Buddy quietly approaching him from behind, that cat really doesn't like people. Within seconds Buddy attacked the guy and he hollered for his partner. I took the chance to make a run for it, racing towards the door.

"GET HER!" One said. I was inches away from the door until he grabbed a hold of my shirt.

"Get back here!" He spat.

"LET GO OF ME!" I yelled. I kicked his groin and he fell to his knees. I backed away until bumping into the one who Buddy attacked.

"Thought you could get away?" He questioned, roughly grabbing my arms.

"Please let me go." I begged.

"Who's the letter for, your boy Jacob?" He grinned, snatching the letter from me.

"Too bad he won't get a chance to read it." He laughed.

"Put that bitch to sleep!" The other said while getting up from the floor.

"NO! STOP!" I begged, trying to get out of their grip. He placed a rag to my face and forced me to inhale it. I grew weak suddenly, my eyelids grew heavy and everything was blurry as one picked me up. I threw my head back, trying to keep my eyes open as they place me in the car.

"Let's just get this over with." I heard one say before passing out.

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