The date

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--Richard's POV--

When I saw that beautiful girl, that winter night in London, I knew she was the one. Her voice, the way she smiled at me, it was just breathtaking. I always hated it when interviewers brought up my personal life and relationships, but if I wanted to meet that girl again, I might as well tell him. So I did.

I waited for weeks, and I was busy shooting Into the Storm as my agents told me they had received over a hundred letters from girls who told me it was them. I ordered them to show them all.

After rejecting like 60, they showed me another one, and I immediately knew it was her. She looked exactly the same only then more beautiful.

After I sent her my reply I went to go shooting Urban and the Shed Crew as well, and then I got a call from my manager, telling me she'd called and I had a date. I was so happy, I was finally going to meet her again.

-Your POV-

April 10th, 8am.

You woke up from your alarm, telling you you had to go to work. Groaning, you turned it off. You had gotten a day off, but hadn't turned off your alarm..

Then you realised something. Today was April 10th. A loud squeal erupted from your lips as you jumped out of bed. You spent the rest of the day changing outfits and sending photos to friends to help you decide what to wear, but in the end you went for the first outfit. A simple red dress and black heels. You had curled your hair and put some makeup on and as you looked into the mirror, you sighed softly. It looked good, but maybe it was a bit too much. Not having the time to change again, you left it like that and took the subway there. A couple guys whistled or called out to you, but the only thing you could think of was:

I'm going to meet Richard Armitage in 15 minutes.

You stepped out of the subway and walked to the restaurant. He wasn't there yet, and you wondered how he would come. Then, at 5:59, a simple yet expensive looking car pulled into a parking space. Out of it stepped Mr Richard Armitage himself, dressed in a simple suit. A blush rose in your cheeks as you clasped your hands in front of you and watched him. He looked stunned for a second, before he walked over to you.

"Hey" he said. "Hi" you replied. "Shall we go inside?" He asked, gesturing at the restaurant behind you two. You nodded and he offered you his arm, which you took gratefully. Once you had received your table and he had pulled out your chair for you, he asked. "How are you {y/n}?" You gasped as he said your name and asked him. "How do you know my name?" A deep chuckle came from him before he answered. "It was in your letter." You blushed darkly and played with a strand of your hair. "Oh, eh, yeah ofcourse." Then you realised he'd asked you a question. "But, to answer your question, I am fine. How are you?" He smiled warmly. "I'm glad, I am good too, a little busy lately, but soon I'm having rest again, once we finished Urban and the Shed Crew." You nodded and smiled. You already knew all that, but you let him talk about it anyway, for he seemed to enjoy it.

When you'd gotten your food you were silent for a while until you said. "Man, this is really good. Like delicious." He looked curiously at your food. "Can I try a bit? Then you can have a bit of mine." You nodded and carefully fed him a bit of your food, before he fed you a bit of his, causing you to giggle a bit.

He ran a hand through his hair, and that made you think of something he'd said in another interview. "I really like your hair like this." He chuckled. "You do? I've heard that from more people, but it annoys me a little. It's just a bit of nothing. It's not short, but it's also not really long, like Thorin's." You nodded understandingly.

When you finished your dinner, you had talked a lot together, and even though you already knew he was amazing and funny and kind, you now knew it for sure. Luckily he found you okay too, or so it seemed at least. He paid for dinner and then helped you with your coat. "Thank you" You said as you looked up into his eyes, trying not to swoon. "You're welcome" His reply sent you back to earth and you blushed again.

As you stood outside, you walked him to his car. "I enjoyed this." He said with a smile. "I'm glad you did, I did too." You smiled happily. "Let me give you my number, then you can call me when you have time." You said as you handed him a piece of paper. He nodded and tucked it in his wallet. "I will, don't worry." You two were really close, and for a moment it seemed like something was going to happen, but then you said. "Goodnight Richard," and turned around. "Goodnight {y/n}" Richard smiled as he got into his car.

You walked to the subway station and managed to stay calm until you were home. Inside, you had a fangirl attack and squealed more. You put on Robin Hood and watched a couple episodes before going to bed. As you wanted to put your phone away, you saw you had a message.

10:22pm. I really enjoyed our dinner. Do it again soon? x R

You giggled and replied.

10:35pm. Sure, I'd love to. You say when. xx

A minute later, you received a reply.

10:36pm. Next week Wednesday? My house? x R

You gasped. He invited you to his house?

10:38pm. Wednesday is fine. At 5? xx

10:40pm. That's fine. I'll pick you up. Goodnight x R

10:41pm. Okay, this is my address {insert address} Night! xx

You scrolled through Tumblr for a while and agreed to the fact that in real life he was even hotter than on photos, and then you fell asleep, his beautiful face in your mind.

Meeting Richard - A Richard Armitage love storyWhere stories live. Discover now