The Wedding plans

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I am engaged to Richard Armitage. I am going to marry Richard Armitage. I will be his forever.

These thoughts kept running through your mind, and they made you incredibly happy. So did Richard. You had set a wedding date, and now you had to plan everything.

A dress, a suit, cards, a cake, a location, guests, and so on. Ofcourse, one of the first things you had asked was if Lee Pace could come. Richard had chuckled and said that if he wasn't too busy he would probably come.

Okay. A dress. You wanted a beautiful dress, not too big and princess like, but not really simple. It had to be sophisticated and beautiful. You had asked your mother and Emma to help you with it. One shop after another, but all dresses were too much or too few. Then, when they were almost closed and you were just roaming around a bit, you looked at a dress. "Can I try this one on?" You asked, and the shop assistant shrugged. "Well yes, we actually planned on throwing it away because nobody wanted it, but you can put it on."

After putting it on, you came out of the dressing room. Your mother gasped. "It's beautiful." She exclaimed. Looking into the mirror, you felt like this was indeed the dress. It was exactly what you had imagined it to be. Because nobody had wanted it, it wasn't as expensive as all the others. Without another thought, you bought it.

Okay. The dress was done. Richard's suit, you had no idea. It was custom you didn't see what the other was wearing, but you knew that he would go look some time soon. You had done a photoshoot to get a nice photo for the wedding invitations, and those were being made by a company you'd chosen.

Then the cake. You badly wanted a Tolkien cake. "Richard???" You said innocently as you two were sitting on the couch one day. "Yes my love?" He replied.

"Can we pleaaaase have a Hobbit wedding cake?"

He chuckled. "A Hobbit wedding cake?" He asked, his eyebrow raised. You nodded eagerly. "Well.. If it isn't too much work I guess that is fine. But I don't want me on it." He said strictly. You sighed. "Come on... You're an amazing Thorin." He shook his head.

"Fine, not your face on it." You said. And thus you had a Hobbit wedding cake.

Besides wedding plans, you also had to make moving plans. You were going to move to Richard's primary house in New York with him. You had to find work and things like that.

The wedding plans were going well. Apparently Richard had a suit, you had a dress, the invitations were sent to the guests, the cake was ordered, now just some other things.

Location. You wanted to marry in London and not in New York, and Richard was okay with that. You always liked the idea of marrying in a big hall with a huge garden behind it where the reception would be. In London, there were quite a lot of those places. Location was set too.

About a month before the wedding, nerves began to come. Not everything was done yet, and there were some problems with the car and the rings. You wanted a pretty old-fashioned car, but the one you'd chosen was hired on the other side of England a day before your wedding so you hoped they would make it.

The rings had been engraved wrongly, and thus had to be made again, which would take a couple weeks. Stress flowed through your veins and didn't leave until the day of the wedding.

The night before, you slept in your parent's house, for your mum was going to help you and Richard was going to pick you up with the car from his house.

Finally. The day was almost there.

{ I apologise for this chapter being slow and mostly descriptive. I just wanted to do it in a different chapter than the wedding so you would have an idea what it was going to be like better }

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