The Actual Wedding

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{Omg I want to thank you so much for 1,1k reads on this story!! This will be the last chapter, and it's horribly long, AMD I apologise for my lack of knowledge on weddings xD... I hope you like it, and I hope you liked the entire story!}

--Richard's POV--

She said yes. She really said yes. The last months had been incredibly busy and hectic, not only with the wedding plans but also with my work. Work goes on, even if you have a wedding to plan. However, we planned everything.

I have a suit, we have a cake - which had to be Hobbit related.. -, we sent the invitations, we hired a location, etc.

Now. It was almost time. The wedding was tomorrow. This morning I last saw her. She was going to stay with her parents so her mother and her friends could help her there with getting ready, and I would pick her up with the beautiful old car we hired.

I had been to my parents too. My dad was proud, I could see that. Even though they are old, they still showed spirit.

That night, I couldn't sleep. I was so nervous, and so excited at the same time. I took a sleeping pill, because otherwise the party would never go well tomorrow.

I woke up from my alarm and smiled. Today was the day. I got ready and left the house at the time we had agreed to.

--Your POV--

Oh god. Let's hope he'll say yes. Even though you knew he loved you, and you couldn't believe he would say no, it's still one of the scary things of marriage.

Your mother helped you in your dress, and you looked in the mirror. It was beautiful, as beautiful as you had wanted it to be, and perfectly fitting for your wedding. Emma helped with your hair, curling it and putting it up a bit, so the brown curls laid on your shoulders only slight. They put a veil on your head after they did the makeup.

Once again, you look into the mirror, and the sight before you is different. You look like you, but different. Beautiful, radiant, and happy.

Then, a claxon was heard. A small gasp escaped your lips as you ran to the stairs. Your mother stopped you, telling you to stay upstairs until Richard was inside, then walk down gracefully.

You did. As you walked down the stairs with a smile, Richard turned to face you. His lips parted in a gasp, and a wide grin appeared on his face. Even though he couldn't see your face well because of the veil, he could see the happiness. He didn't look bad himself.

"Goodmorning {Y/N}," he spoke with a smile upon his face. "Goodmorning Richard." You replied.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked as he held out his arm for you. "Couldn't be readier." You smiled as you took his arm. Your parents and Emma followed, standing in the front garden as you followed him to the beautiful car. You rode away, waving at your parents who would follow after in their own car.

You arrived at the location, and even though you'd seen it before, you hadn't seen it all decorated. It was gorgeous. The guests had already arrived, because you had stopped somewhere else to take some wedding photos first.

Everyone clapped and cheered as Richard walked down the aisle, stopping at the front. The music started, and you were allowed in too.

Walking down the aisle was the most incredible feeling. It seemed as if the world slowed down. Cheers, applause, flowers, Richard's smile, it was all perfect. Finally, you arrived next to him and he took your hand. Turning back to the minister, he squeezed it gently. He started talking about your lives, sharing stories both your families and friends had shared.

You listened with half an ear, nerves and excitement cursing through your veins. Finally, it was time to say the vows.

"Do you, Richard Crispin Armitage, take {Y/N} to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I, Richard Crispin Armitage, take you {Y/N}, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

"Do you, {Y/N}, take Richard Crispin Armitage to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Okay. Keep it together. You were already close to tears when he spoke his vows, and  you spoke yours with a shaky voice. However, halfway your voice got more secure.

"I, {Y/N}, take you Richard Crispin Armitage, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

There. You did it. The minister continued.

"Richard, you may now put the ring on her finger." Richard picked up the ring, brought to you both by your aunt. He gently placed it on your finger.

"{Y/N}, you may now place the ring on his finger." With shaky hands, you put the ring on his finger.

"I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Richard gently took off the veil, being able to look at your face properly for the first time. He cupped your cheeks and gently pressed a kiss to your lips, and you wrapped your arms around him in response. The crowd cheered, and that kiss was the best you'd ever had.

After that, you both had to sign and then it was time for the reception. You got congratulated by everyone, you got kissed a dozen times, you met a lot of new people who happened to be Richard's family.

Finally, everyone was done. You'd eaten cake, you'd partied with everyone. It was half past two in the morning, and all the guests were leaving. You stood together on the dance floor, tired but extremely happy.

Back in Richard's home, once you'd taken off the dress and all the makeup, and you'd gone to bed and he had wrapped his arms around you to snuggle in, he pressed a kiss to your temple.

"I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." You whispered back. "Forever and Always." He whispered before starting to hum the Misty Mountains softly. He often did that at night, and it brought you to sleep almost immediately.

The next day, you would travel to New Zealand with him for your honeymoon, and after three weeks there, you'd get back to London, pack everything, stay there for a month before moving to New York to spend your life with him there, in his primary house.

Long story short, sometimes a fangirl's dream can come true in a marvellous way, so never stop dreaming.

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