The actual question

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You arrived at the restaurant and after he opened your door, you got out. You smiled at him and took his arm again. As you arrived, you realised it was exactly the same. The same waiter, the same table, the same flowers. Everything was exactly the way it had been 18 months ago. You decided to order something else though, and so did Richard. The food was once again, delicious, and really worth the enormous amount of money. If you'd had the money, you'd go there every day.

He still looked nervous, and averted his eyes every once in a while. As you were waiting for dessert, you gently cupped his cheek and made him look at you. "What's wrong? You seem nervous and absent.." He flashed you a smile. "I'm okay, don't worry about it. I just hope you like what I planned."

"Don't worry about that, I love it! This couldn't get any better. You're so amazing..." You replied, and he smiled. You shared your desserts and chuckled when he put the ice cream on your nose. "Richard! This is a decent restaurant!" You whispered whilst giggling. "Oh oh sorry" He chuckled. After dinner, he paid and you two left again. Standing outside, you looked at him and asked. "What are we going to do now?" He grinned. "That's a surprise." Absentmindedly, he felt his pockets, but you didn't notice it.

He crossed the street with you and you entered the park that was across of the buildings. Your high heels annoyed you a little on the park path, but you didn't let it show. He smiled at you. "It's a beautiful evening." You nodded. "A beautiful evening for a beautiful moment." He walked further with you, and even though you'd seen the park many times, never had you been there. It was beautiful. You stared at the trees, and only now was it that you realised the path you were walking on was lit by lanterns. You gasped. "Did, did you hang these for us?" He looked up. "With a little help, yes. Do you like them?"

"Like? I love them! They're so beautiful and add such a weird beauty to the park." You walked further and you could hear the sound of a fountain. You arrived at the lake, and it was entirely empty, except for the lanterns that were on little boats. "Did, did you do these too?" He shook his head. "No, these lanterns have always been in the lake. I just added those little garlands on the porch." You smiled brightly. He led you to the bench where you could watch the lake, but you wanted to look closer and went to the railing. He chuckled. "What? It's much more beautiful this way? You can see something without looking at a railing." He nodded. "True.."

For a while, you two just stood there. You got extremely relaxed from the sounds in the park. The lighted fountain in the middle of the lake, the birds that were slowly off to bed, the leaves rustling in the wind. All of a sudden, you looked to your left and found that Richard had disappeared. You looked to the right and he wasn't there either. Then, you heard him clear his throat. You turned around and gasped. In front of you, sat, on one knee, Richard Armitage. Was this? No, it had to be a dream. This was too perfect to be actually happening. Richard spoke:

"{Y/N}, we are together for one and a half year now, exactly even at this day. We have shared many memories, both happy and less happy ones. I love you with all my heart, and I have had a wonderful time with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I hope you want to spend yours with me."

By this time, tears were in your eyes and you looked at him in true ecstasy. He pulled out a little box and opened it. A beautiful ring with a single stone in the middle.

{Y/N}, will you marry me and be mine forever?"

Without hesitation you answered. "Yes! Yes ofcourse I will!" He gently slid the ring on your finger before standing up and lifting you in the air. He twirled you around and put you down again, hugging you tight. "Thank you" he whispered. You sobbed with happiness, and you were sure your makeup wasn't where it was supposed to be, but you didn't care. "I love you so much" you whispered to him.

After a while of just standing there, embracing eachother, you shivered. It wasn't exactly warm in the park. "Come let's go" He said, wrapping his jacket around your shoulders gently.

To your surprise, he didn't lead you to the car. He almost led you back to the restaurant it seemed, but apparently there was a hotel next to it. He led you inside, and the man behind the counter looked at us and raised a brow questioning. Richard nodded and smiled happily, causing the man to clap in his hands. "Congratulations on your engagement. Champagne is ready in your room. Here is the key." He handed it to Richard. You stared in awe. Apparently everyone knew but you.

In the room, which was the penthouse of the hotel, and absolutely stunning, with a king size bed and a big bath and everything, there was a card and a bottle of champagne. "Read it." He said with a smile as he opened the bottle and gave you a glass. You opened the letter and read:

Hey {Y/N},

I hope you had an awesome night and you will have much more fun in the hotel ;)

I'm so happy for you and I was so excited when Richard called me and led me into the plot. It was so hard not to say anything, but it was totally worth it. I wish I could've been there to see your face, but I'm sure you'll tell me all about it. Have fun tonight babe!

xx Emma

What? She knew. She had not said anything, she hadn't even made clear she was hiding something. Richard chuckled at your reaction. "I'm sorry for hiding it all, but I think it was worth it." You looked at the ring and nodded. Definitely. After finishing the glasses of champagne, you took a bath. Going back to the main room, you found him laying on the bed, watching tv. You turned it off and crawled to him. Kissing him deeply, you thought of the wonderful night that was ahead of you.

Meeting Richard - A Richard Armitage love storyWhere stories live. Discover now