Ryuichi | The Piano

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Requested by rinahinami

※ Jesus eefin Christ another Ryu babyshitter


"Join the Light Music Club!"

I love music. I mean, who doesn't? This was the only club that I've been itching to join ever since the beginning of middle school. The two instruments I love the most is the piano and guitar. Finally, I found what I wanted to do.

Early morning, as my eyes flutter open, a lovely tune wakes me. The music box that my mother gave me a few years ago was still functioning well, thankfully. Though, it's not just a music box. It also works as an alarm clock. Well, time to go to school.

"L/n-san! I need your help!"

Other than being a lover of music, I'm really an expert at it.

"What is it?"

"We need someone to play the gui-"

"What makes you think that I know how to play?"

Truthfully, I can play a bunch of instruments besides the piano and guitar.

"Please listen, we really need an expert in music! I'm begging you!"


Sometimes, I can be a little selfish and I'd ask for something in return. Other times, I can watch people beg.

My routine flows as well as a stream. I would rapidly get rid of any obstacles.

At lunch time, I go to the Light Music room to play. It's on the top floor and not many people hang out there so much. That way, no one would be able to hear me play. Besides, lunch time is the time when everyone is noisy and busy.

I gently hover my fingers over the keys, reminiscing about the day of when I first played. It wasn't perfect, but it was good enough.


"Hey, Kashima. Could you take these papers to the next class? Specifically, to the student named L/n."


When I'm asked for a favour, I'd do it. With limitations, however.

Now, I've heard of L/n. She's not in the gifted class but she's definitely gifted in music. Or at least that's what they all say about her.

"She's not here."

"You should try to look for her upstairs, or the rooftop. She always goes up there."

"Ah. Thank you then."

Just as I was about to check out the rooftop, a pleasant sound reached my ears. Knowing it came from the Music Room, I followed the sound. I know it's a piano, though I'm not too familiar with it.

I peeked in silently. My eyes landed on a girl, the one who was playing. Her eyes were closed and she was focused. If anything else, she must be L/n Y/n.

Suddenly, as if it was on cue, it started to rain. I noticed then that she was humming along to the song. She has this aura around her that I can't read.

As soon as she finishes, she hasn't even realized that I was here.

"Who are you?"

Ah...she did after all...

"Um...I'm Kashima Ryuichi. I'm supposed to give these papers to you..."

"Just bring them back to the classroom."

She averts her eyes back to the piano and begins to play again. This time, she started playing a more complicated piece. It sounded like it was supposed to be played by two people.

It was all but incomplete. Her hands were so fast in playing, that I could barely see them anymore.

She suddenly stops midway.

[A/N: I present my poor writing skills]
[P.S: I just realized that both songs are barely related to the oneshot...]

"What are you still doing here?"

Oh, she's similar to Inomata.

Somehow, her music calms me. It even makes me forget about the real world just for a little while.

"Sorry. It's just that...you play so beautifully."


The rain stopped.

I heard his words perfectly. And it's been a long time since I was praised genuinely.

I don't want to become attached. If that happens, I'd start wanting to protect him, love him, and never let him go. On the other side of that, he might leave me too. My parents already left me. The piano is what's left of them.

"Do you think you can play again tomorrow? Please...for me?"

"Since you begged, fine. I'll play for you again, Kashima."

The End.

A/N: Starting today (March 3) until 15, requests will be on hold. Resumes on 16
Ahhhh! It sucks so bad!!

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