The Start of this so calls Mess!

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-In England-

"Why can't you stay a little longer?" England asked his lover. America started to adjust his tie as he looks over at his lover with a sincere look on his face. Knowing that the English male is laying on the bed as the sheets cover his body. Erm, naked body.

"It's just a meeting with my boss. I'm sorry that I'm a nation of United States of America," America said as he leans down to England's lip. He pecks his lips as England played with the sheets.

"But this always happens when we have sex? Are you ashamed of me?" England asked.

"Wha- Dude, no!" America said as he tosses his shoe over his back and pets England's hair back, "It's just those kinds of things that my boss does. Sometimes it could be Canada,"

"Well... I guess I'm going overprotective." England said to himself as America kissed him once more.

"Well, I'll see you next week?" He asked.

"Yes, and you will call me in the morning right?" England asked once more.

"Dud I will, babe!" America replied as he opens the door and told him goodbye. As America leave his boyfriend's house, right away he get's a text from someone.

King_Of_Awesomeness!: Hej! Where are you?
Awesome_Hero105: Just leaving my bosses place. Why? Is something wrong?
King_Of_Awesomeness!: You said that we would be going out. Did you forget?
Awesome_Hero105: Oh shit! I'm so sorry babe! My boss was keeping me in all day! I'll make it up to you, please!
King_Of_Awesomeness!: Awe! I can't say no to your face! But you better buy me some beer. Damn Norway hid it somewhere that I can't find it!
Awesome_Hero105: Awe, my King of Awesomeness is defeated by the scary Norge?
King_Of_Awesomeness!: Don't say that or no laid
Awesome_Hero105: Sorry, I'm coming right now
King_Of_Awesomeness!: Kay, love ya!

America sigh as he jumps into his car and went to the airport. He is going to need a few can's for his Danish lover... hold on... Lover?!

*Time Skip*

-In Italy-

America brush his hair as he parked up to his favorite lover... wait- how many does he have? Anyways, America went up to the door and had a dozen of  Stylized Lily. Knocking on the door, a cheery voice said come in as America opened the door. He looked inside and smell something good. By the smell of it, it's either pizza or pasta. America placed the flowers on the dining table and saw his cheerful Italian, Italy.

The Italian was humming as he makes the sauce. Yep, it's pasta. America went to Italy and snake his arms around the smaller male's waist. He started to kiss Italy's earlobe.

"Hey, my sweet Italian lover~," America said. Italy giggled as he kissed America's cheek.

"Ciao, America," Italy said as he stop making the sauce, "Just in time for dinner as always,"

"Well to be fair," America said, "You cook fantastic and I would grill you something at home. And another tired day with boss,"

"Oh, what happens this time?" Italy asked as he pulls out the plates and forks for America.

"Ah! England and his boss came in and things didn't go well. I started to say something about what my boss said and England just keeps on going about some other things. I wonder why I'm somewhat related to him," America said. Italy said that he was sorry to hear that as he pulls out his pasta over to America and they started to eat. After eating and washing some plates, they both went to the den and watched some movies. They cuddled on the watched, though America was nuzzling to Italy every five minutes. Italy giggled as he looked over at his lover and kissed him. America kissed back as he started to remove his shirt and tie as Italy does the same.

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