The Wedding (Axis Powers)

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Axis Powers:


Today was the big day for Germany. After explaining to Prussia on what had happened in the hotel room, Prussia seemed so happy for Germany to get married at last. Which that had meant her little sister will finally have a chance to relax for some time now. Even though Prussia is a little bit upset with her ex-lover and best friend, but hey, she's glad that America can calm Germany's butt for once in every world meeting and whenever the two German sisters are at home. Plus, they're gonna be in-laws soon so that made Prussia looking forward to.

Germany also has made Prussia as her maid of honor while Austria was America's best man. When Austria heard about this, he wasn't happy that Germany decided to marry America and was in a shock when he saw his cousins had turned into girls. But it's the least he can do and had asked if he could play the organ on the wedding day, which was yes. And Germany had thought that she should invite Switzerland and Lichenstein to the wedding, but Switzerland had said that he does not want to be giving away his money for the newlywed couple (and the fact that Austria is gonna be there), but his little sister and Germany said that they don't have to give away some of their money, and can make Lichenstein Germany's flower girl, the old hedgehog agreed to that.

Hungary's had to fangirl on how cute and hot both of the German sisters looked, which made Germany blushed and Prussia trying to see if she can score a date with Hungary for that compliment. Sadly, that didn't work. But she was happy that Germany was getting married and when she heard that it was America who proposed, she wasn't too happy that the cheater had broken the poor blond's heart. But she already gave America smack in the head with her frying pan and told him that if he ever dares to cheat on Germany ever again, she said and quote: "I will unless the Hungarian Horntail on your ass"

But anyhow, Germany was getting nervous about this... Mainly it's how will the other nations will react to this. Like will Russia come and try to murder Germany and /or America the moment she finds out? Or is England gonna find a way to make the two break apart? This was making Germany more and more scared as she thinks about it. She started to grip onto the beautiful bouquet of sapphire blue cornflowers while she slowly she tried to keep calm. Pretty much the only ones who know about her being engaged to America are Hungary, Prussia, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Italy, Japan, Romano, and Canada. The last four had figured it out and they all had promised to keep it as a secret. But then they also had to give America a pep talk about treating Germany nice and be respectful at the same time. Otherwise, it's down with the Marvels and D.C. Comics.

Soon enough, Italy came in and saw her best friend starting to panic and tried to help her through it. Germany had calmed down a bit while Italy said that everything is going to be okay and that nothing bad will ever happen. When Germany got ready, she, along with Lichtenstein, Hungary, Prussia, Italy, and Japan, had started to walk down the aisle. Seeing America in his deep blue suit, while standing next to Switzerland, Canada (Because she wanted to be next to her brother and see him before they go to their honeymoon) and Austria who is by the organ and playing the wedding theme in his way. The moment Germany too America's hand, her life just changed right there... she's no longer was loveless in the world anymore... Even though when she was a man and once promised the girl of her dreams a long time ago that when they meet again, they will be together forever until death parts them both...

But she now abandons that because that person could be dead already. As sad as it is, it was the truth. She now has America to be with her until death parts them... Or, that's what she thinks.


Italy was very excited that her wedding was today and it finally came at last. She was looking forward to the wedding for the entire week. She was over her heels about this wedding and America did everything to please his soon to be wife. And they were merry as they can be. Since Romano was okay with Italy being with America, this made the feisty Italian female more chill. Hell, more chill than ever! Well, that's how Italy would say. Pretty much Romano still acts like herself but doesn't goes off on Italy and says stay away from the potato bastard and such.

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