Italy x America 1

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America woke up with a dizzy as he sees the room clear up. He rubbed his eyes and looked around the room. He saw the brunette lying on the ground.

"Italy," America said as he rubs the Italian shoulder, "Are you okay?"

"Ah... America?" Italy asked as... she got up. Her hair was curly long hair as her curl was hanging off to the side. America jaw was hanging loose as he looks over at the Italian.

"What happened?" Asked a female French voice.

"England!" Yelled out the female Norwegian, "What did you do to us!!!"

"I didn't mean to!" England said as she panics, "I hope I didn't make this permanent,"

"If you did, I'll murder you fucking bastard!" Romano said as she grabbed England's hair.

"Wait! Why isn't America a girl?" Germany asked as she glares at America. America slow backed away as he figured he's the only guy in the room. After hearing from Estonia about that he was in a room full of girls, he could feel the same for the dude.

"He should be the one who should be the girl then!" said China as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Probably it's because, during one of our dates, he mentions about one of his dreams. I figure I used a protection spell over him would work," Norway spoke. England tacked down Norway and the girls were having a catfight. America got in the between and got a scratch on his face.

"Okay, stop fighting!" said Prussia as she went over to America and clean his cut a little. England and Norway have been placed one side of the table. They all took a moment to calm down and then they all asked America one question. Since it would seem that they won't get along well if this has to happen. America did say that he's going to be sorry for breaking up with them if they won't get along well like this. So they felt said and America said they should cancel the meeting today and meet up again next month.

-Hotel Room-

"That fucking bastard is going to pay for this!" Romano said as she paced on the floor. Italy was busy with the new clothes she shopped for. Thanks for some help with miss Hungary with it. Luckily she was in town with Austria. And after explaining things to them about what happened, Hungary gave the two girls the talk and they went out shopping with them.

"Grande sorella-" Italy started but Romano pointed at her.

"Don't call me that! I'm still your Grande Fratello! And you can't do anything to change that!" Romano told her. Italy rolled her eyes as she holds one of her clothes in the suitcase. The door knocked as Italy said that she'll get it. Hoping it could be the room service. When she did, Italy saw America on one knee and held... Italy closed the door behind her and pulled America up from the floor.

"America," She spoke in a low voice, "What in Gods name are you doing?!"

"What does it looks like?" America asked as he showed the tomato ring, "I love you with all of my heart, Italy. And after the day when you told me that you missed him I-"

"Stop," Italy told him, "Just stop," Italy was already having a hard time to believe him. Even on what just happen to her today. America places a hand on her cheek as his puppy-sweet-caring look was shown to Italy. She was about to cry as America had started to tell her a lot of sweet words.

"Italy," He started, "I love you with all of my heart. You may look weak to others but to me you're strong. I mean, you did defeat Turkey back then," Italy blushed as she looked away.

"That was nothing. Turkey just needed to know not to mess with me," Italy spoke.

"But still," America said, "To me, you're my circle that draws the Earth. My sweet, cheery, kind-hearted,-"

"If you're going to ask her to marry you, just get to the fucking point!" Yelled out Romano, who seem to hear all of that. Guess they should know keep quiet means keep your voice down or go away from the door.

"America," Italy start as she smiled at him, "ti amo," America got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. Italy literally screamed yes and she knocked him down on the floor. Over in the other room, they started to hear Romano speaking something...

"Wait?! That mean's I don't have to deal with Potato Bastard any more?! Thank you, my Lord, hallelujah!!!"

"That's... out of character for her," America stated.

"Yeah, we can agree on that," Italy comment.

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