The Wedding (Allies Force)

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Allies Force:


England was shaking in her heels. Even since she was asked to marry America, she hasn't been doing so well. With finding the spelling to break this forsaking curse of being a girl, to where she is trying to keep things quiet between their relationship, things just... Sort of been going great yet also bad. One of them is the Drunk Trio (when they thought it was a good idea that they should hang out): England, Denmark, and Prussia were out drinking one night and of course, the English women spill the tea. At first, Denmark and Prussia didn't believe it until they saw the ring on England's finger. And they went over to America to kill him while they were drunk.

America had to hide in the attic for a while until they sober up and Norway plus Germany came to get their siblings. That didn't end well either when Denmark mutter out England and America are gonna be dead before the wedding. Norway's heart was smashed, Germany's heart felt like it just got shot at, and England was ready to be murder. America came to England's rescue and the group had compromise for now. England and Norway were good friends, and England felt like she betrayed her badly. But Norway was being stubborn and said that she was fine... But she had water in her eyes a little.

Pretty much, in the end, Denmark was telling England some interesting tips about the bedrooms, and Prussia also lone her friend on some bedroom activity equipment to use. England blushed fifty shades of red and told the albino that they don't need any... But oddly England did ask Prussia if she can borrow those for her honeymoon.

England didn't dare want France to find out, and Canada as well. As much as England loved the Canadian girl, England felt like Canada need a moment to reorganize herself after learning the truth. Even though England and America had talked to Canada and see how she is doing, but they didn't want to tell her their engagement. At least not yet. France, it's simple: France would yell at her and World War Three would break out between the two. Not to forget, France would even spread the word around and who knows who has a knife or a gun ready to shoot England in the face. Although the two aren't actually married anymore- forcefully by their bosses, they have actually been divorced about a couple of years now. 

Scotland, Ireland, and Sealand later found out about England is now a girl when she and America came back home to the UK. Scotland was laughing his ass off as Ireland comment that they finally now got a woman in the house. Sealand is still trying to understand what happened to England and even test England if she is the said nation. Her siblings then found out that America had asked her to marry him and they were fine with it at first. Although, Scotland had dragged the American out of the room and yelled at his face that was low of him to do. Dating more than one person is someone who doesn't deserve to marry their sibling. They eventually made up for now, but Scotland had upgraded his smoking from one to two packs a day.

Their wedding came at last now, but England is starting to feel more nervous and wondering if she should regret this or not. She then felt someone put their arms underneath hers. She looked over to see Scotland (who put on some decent clothes for her wedding day) as he looked down at her.

"You know, I can't believe these words are coming out my mouth but... I'm glad you have someone who can take care of you," Scotland told her. England felt like she is going to cry. Her brother was being nice for once in her life. As much she had been through, this is the kindest thing Scotland would say to her. Sure, they may not get along so well, but it's nice to hear her brother saying something kind to her. As England was next to America, he held the English woman's hand and smiled warmly down at her. This was going to be her life now... And she hopes that many good things will come between her.


Russia was getting very excited on this special day. She was holding her flowers very tight and had a big smile going. Today was her wedding day. And she was going to be with America.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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