Russia x America 1

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America woke up with a dizzy as he sees the room clear up. He rubbed his eyes and looked around the room. He saw a long-haired platinum lying on the floor. The only person that America knows would be...

"Russia!" America went over to the Russian body, "Russia, talk to me," Russia moved a little as she- waits, hold on... SHE?! Russia pulls her hair back as she looks at America.

"You look surprised, Amerika," Russia said as she smiled. America was having a hard time not to look at Russia's... land mass. Russia smiled more as her aura started to show, so that got America stop.

"You do know that you're..."

"A girl, Da, I know," Russia smiled. What is wrong with her? And how is okay with this?

"What happened?" Asked a female French voice.

"England!" Yelled out the female Norwegian, "What did you do to us!!!"

"I didn't mean to!" England said as she panics, "I hope I didn't make this permanent,"

"If you did, I'll murder you fucking bastard!" Romano said as she grabbed England's hair.

"Wait! Why isn't America a girl?" Italy asked as she glares at America. America slow backed away as he figured he's the only guy in the room. After hearing from Estonia about that he was in a room full of girls, he could feel the same for the dude.

"He should be the one who should be the girl then!" said China as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Probably it's because, during one of our dates, he mentions about one of his dreams. I figure I used a protection spell over him would work," Norway spoke. England tacked down Norway and the girls were having a catfight. America got in the between and got a scratch on his face.

"Okay, stop fighting!" said Prussia as she went over to America and clean his cut a little. England and Norway have been placed one side of the table. They all took a moment to calm down and then they all asked America one question. Since it would seem that they won't get along well if this has to happen. America did say that he's going to be sorry for breaking up with them if they won't get along well like this. So they felt said and America said they should cancel the meeting today and meet up again next month.

-Hotel Room-

Belarus was extremely pissed off to find her sister looked like a girl and was about to kill the living out of England when she tried to get out of the room. Thanks to Ukraine and Russia holding her back, Belarus got over it. Then Ukraine gave her "sister" the talk. Which Russia took it fully aware of it. And they were going to have to do some shopping tomorrow for Russia, because who would want to wear male clothing. And Belarus might spoil her with many outfits she might find them cute for her sister.

For now, Russia just wore one of her long sweaters and baggy pants. Right now at this moment, Russia was reading one of the books she found and already was in the fifth chapter.

"So what's for dinner?" Belarus asked as she painted Russia's feet. Which now Russia just notices that right now.

"Whatever you guys want," Russia said as she went back to reading.

"Come on," Ukraine spoke out as she had a towel wrapped around her body. She just got out of the shower, "You should at least take some control," Russia shakes her head and went back to her book.

"Something is bothering you," Belarus said. Russia was about to reply back but Belarus cut her off, "Something happened in the world meeting and you never been this quiet before," Russia sigh as she closed her book.

"Well I did tell Ukraine about this, but I was dating America, dear sister," Belarus stopped as she had that aura around her. These Aura's have their traits on certain nations. Are the German's, Nordic's, and the Russian Family are related somewhere on the line? Who knows.

"You were with that fat bastard?" Belarus asked in a deep voice of jealousy.

"Da I was, and not anymore," Russia said quietly. Ukraine walked over to her sister and pat her hair.

"Why's that?" She asked.

"Amerika cheated on me with almost everyone," Russia said as she had a tear roll down on her eye. From the meeting, she tried to act she's fine when America came over to her and helped her. And when America said that he would break up with everyone because they wouldn't be able to get along. But at least he could've said that he could remain with one of them... mostly herself.

"I'm sorry," Ukraine told her dear sister as she kissed her head.

"I'm going to kill him," Belarus said as she got up and went to the door.

"Dorogaya sestra, please," Russia said as she went after her sister. Right when Belarus open the door, there was America who was about to knock on the door. America gulped as Belarus glare at him.

"Hi," America started, "Is it okay for me to talk to Russia about-?"

"After what you did to her, I don't think so," Belarus said as she was about to pull out her knife, but Russia came in.

"Belarus!" Russia raised her voice, "Don't hurt him!" Belarus stopped as she glared at her sister.

"He is the reason why you're so broken, is it not?" She asked her.

"Da, but that doesn't mean you need to go and kill him!" Russia argued back. America just sat out as he looked at the floor for them to stop fighting. He was starting to fiddle with something in his pocket as he thinks about what to say to Russia. Last week was just their anniversary and he needs to make this right for her! Even if Russia's sister is going to kill him.

"Girls!" Ukraine voice boomed in and the two stopped.

"But, bol'shaya sestra-" Belarus started but Ukraine cut her off.

"Don't "bol'shaya sestra" at me, young lady. This is something that our sister needs to do, whether you like it or not," Ukraine told Belarus. Belarus was dragged out from the couple with a towel Ukrainian.

America gave out a chuckled as he looked at Russia.

"So um... how are you holding on?" America asked.

"Fine, you?" Russia asked.

"I could've gone into a beating from the others," America admitted. Russia pulled her hand back as she rubs her back of the neck.

"Do you want to-?"

"Hety hrobany amierykaniec nie zbirajecca zastacca na noč, Ukraina!" Belarus yelled out in her native tongue.

"Tse ne vashi rishennya, Bilorusʹ," Ukraine replied back in a much calmer voice. The two were standing in between the doorway. So Russia moved into the hallway and closed the door behind.

"So what else is going on?" Russia asked. America sigh as he smiled at Russia. Knead on one knee, he pulled out a box. When he opens it...

"Russia," America spoke, "I know I'm an ass, but I love you after the Cold War. I loved you more with all of my heart and I want to ask you this before..." Russia heart stopped as she heard those words slip from his lips. Russia froze as America look up at her with hopeful eyes...

"Will you be honored to become one with me, Russia?"

"DA!!!" Russia squeals as she hugged him. America placed on the ring as Belarus and Ukraine just witness the whole event. Poor Belarus is crying already and it wasn't their wedding yet! Somone give her a box of tissues, please.

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