England x America 1

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America woke up with a dizzy as he sees the room clear up. He rubbed his eyes and looked around the room. He saw a girl lying on the ground where England was standing. Going over to her, America gently shakes her shoulders.

"Hey," America started, "You okay?"

"America?" the female said with a Britsh accent, "Is that you?" America helped up the girl from the ground as he notices that she has those pairs of emerald eyes... was that-?

"England?" America asked as he got a glare from her.

"Of course, it's me, you bloody twat!" England told him, "Why would you ask me that? Oh, is something wrong with my face?"

"Umm... You're a girl," America replied as England crook a brow at him. America pointed at the mirror that was behind her as she turns to see herself. And England screams like a real woman.

"WHAT THE BLOODY FUCK?!" England yelled.

"What happened?" Asked a female French voice.

"Goddamnit, Norway!" Yelled out an angry female Italian, "What the fuck did you do to us!!!"

"Me!?" Norway said as she glares at Romano, "I didn't cast this spell,"

"I'm murder you fucking bastard!" Romano said as she went to kill Norway.

"Wait! Why isn't America a girl?" Italy asked as she glares at America. America slow backed away as he figured he's the only guy in the room. After hearing from Estonia about that he was in a room full of girls, he could feel the same for the dude.

"He should be the one who should be the girl then!" said China as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Probably it's because, during one of our dates, he mentions about one of his dreams. I figure I used a protection spell over him would work," Norway spoke. England tacked down Norway and the trio was having a catfight. Tusenders. America got in the between and got a scratch on his face.

"Okay, stop fighting!" said Prussia as she went over to America and clean his cut a little. England and Norway have been placed one side of the table. They all took a moment to calm down and then they all asked America one question. Since it would seem that they won't get along well if this has to happen. America did say that he's going to be sorry for breaking up with them if they won't get along well like this. So they felt said and America said they should cancel the meeting today and meet up again next month.

-Hotel Room-

Since America said that he was going to share a room with England before everyone realizes that America was dating everyone, America was kicked out of the bedroom and went to sleep on the floor. With one blanket and one pillow. England laid up as she looks in her spell book. See if they can reverse it. Well, they mean her. So far she found nothing.

"When I get back home, I'll call up Romania for some help," England thought to herself. The door was knocked as England didn't bother to answer it. Then she heard America talked with someone outside of her door. Whoever it is gots to go with that damn American. The door closed as England sigh to herself. Whoever it was must've seemed to forgive America easily...

England felt tears dropped on her hand as she didn't notice she's crying. The door knocked as England wipe her eyes.

"Yes?" She asked. The door open as America poke his head out.

"Hey um..." America was looking at the ground as he spoke, "I got some food if you're hungry,"

"I'm fine," England said as she went back to her book. Then she hears a cart was coming is as she sees America bringing in a cart with sweats and tea. Outside, England is being cold, but on the inside is feeling a little warmth in her heart. Didn't know she was blushing, while America poured England her tea and looked at her if she takes sugar. England nod as Americ scoop one spoon of sugar... Just a spoon full of sugar help's the medicine goes down. The medicine goes down. The medicine goes down. Just a spoon full of sugar help's the medicine goes down, in the most delightful way~. Okay, I'm done with Mary Poppins.

America passes over the tea to England as she took it. Sipping it, England tasted out a flavor in it. Strange, this wouldn't be Earl Gray. It tastes like Sleepy Time tea. With no complaint, England still sips it. America got up and went to leave the room when England grabbed the American. America looked back as he looked down at England.

"... Stay with me... please," She told him. America nod as he sat back on the bed with her. England places her tea back on the cart as she went back to her book to find the spell. As she did so, America spoke in her thoughts.

"Why did you freak out if I told you that you were the first one I've dated?" He asked. England sigh as she closed her book and looked at him.

"I don't know... I guess I just don't believe that you dated me first before you dated the others," England spoke. America took one of her hands and he rubbed them together.

"Iggy," America started, "I know that could be hard for you to believe, but if you think about it, you kinda had your suspicion about France. So you were on the right track," England glared at him as America stopped.

"I guess you're right," England said, "And if you like any of them, I won't go against it."

"Well... It's hard to ask her something," America spoke out. England's heart started to crack as she heard him.

"Oh... Who is it?" She asked.

"She has beautiful blond hair," America started. Shit, England thought to herself, It has to be either Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Canada, Frog Face, and me.

"She has a sweet addatuide when she's not angry," America added. So it would be Norway, Finland, or me.

"She has the prettiest eyes that are like gems," America continues. So it's either Norway and me.

"And..." America said as he looked into England's eyes. England was waiting for America to finish. But she's getting tempting for him to finish. She finally broke as she yelled at him.

"It's Norway, isn't it?!" She said as America was about to say something but England cut him off, "N-No... it's okay," England said as she felt her tears coming down, "I-I can understand. N-now that she's a girl, and everything," America lean to her lips and kissed her. England was surprised to have America to do this. Wait... does this mean-?

"England," America started as he looks at her, "What would you say if I asked you to marry me?"

England was stun as she looked at America with surprised eyes. America slipped a ring on her finger as England looked down. She saw a...

"America?" England asked as America held her hands and looked at her.

"What do you say?" America asked. England hugged him as she said yes. Boy, those two somehow make a great couple for some reason. Why don't I ship this? Answers: I do not know.

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