Canada x America 1

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America woke up with a dizzy as he sees the room clear up. He rubbed his eyes and looked around the room. He saw his brother, Canada, was laying on the ground as America went over to him.

"Hey, Canada," America in a soft voice, "You alright?" Canada moved his eyes as he sees America looking down at him with kind eyes.

"America?" Canada asked as he started to wonder why did his voice sound gentle and sweet? I mean, that's what his voice always sounds like but... much more. Canada got up as he notices America was looking at her with a confused look. Canada asked him what's wrong with himself as America somehow explained that Canada was really as "she".  Canada only blushed as she looked away and the twins heard France talking.

"What happened?" Asked a female French voice.

"England!" Yelled out the female Norwegian, "What did you do to us!!!"

"I didn't mean to!" England said as she panics, "I hope I didn't make this permanent,"

"If you did, I'll murder you fucking bastard!" Romano said as she grabbed England's hair.

"Wait! Why isn't America a girl?" Italy asked as she glares at America. America slow backed away as he figured he's the only guy in the room. After hearing from Estonia about that he was in a room full of girls, he could feel the same for the dude.

"He should be the one who should be the girl then!" said China as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Probably it's because, during one of our dates, he mentions about one of his dreams. I figure I used a protection spell over him would work," Norway spoke. England tacked down Norway and the girls were having a catfight. America got in the between and got a scratch on his face.

"Okay, stop fighting!" said Prussia as she went over to America and clean his cut a little. England and Norway have been placed one side of the table. They all took a moment to calm down and then they all asked America one question. Since it would seem that they won't get along well if this has to happen. America did say that he's going to be sorry for breaking up with them if they won't get along well like this. So they felt sad and America said they should cancel the meeting today and meet up again next month.

-Hotel Room-

Canada was sitting in her room as she writes down what happened today's meeting. This is a daily thing that Canada would do when she feels upset or confused or some others. Sometimes America or Prussia would look over her shoulders to see what she's writing about and she would feel embarrassed. After that, Canada stopped and went over to her bed to sleep. Somehow she's not bothered by it. Canada knew that America was just being both brother and a friend with her at all times. But what she saw the things that America was hiding from her made her heart shattered into a million of pieces. 

Her door was knocked as Canada opened her violet eyes. Who could that be? Canada thought to herself. Getting out of bed and putting on her fluffy robe, which was super fluffy~, Canada opened the door to see America standing out there with his stuff.

"Hey," He started, "Is it alright if I stay here tonight?" The way America said it, Canada tried not to cry as she nods her head.

"Thanks, baby sis," America as he gave her the Hollywood smile that he always seems to have. Canada closed the door as America went to sleep on the couch. 

"Wa-..." Canada was about to start but she isn't sure if America would be okay.

"Yeah, Maple?" America asked. Canada blushed as she looked down at her hands.

"... Can you sleep with me in bed?" She asked, "I don't think that you would be comfortable on the couch," America smiled as he said it would be like old times when they were little. Canada chuckled a little as she remembers the thoughts from the past. America wrapped his arms around his sister's waist and kissed her hair softly. Long soft brown hair and violet eyes turn her face red. Blushing by the fact her brother is hugging her like this.

Why? Why is he holding her like this?

"... Marry me," America whisper.


America held an ice pack to his nose. Canada sat by as she wore her rode and crossed her arms.

"... You do have to know I'm being for real," America said.

"I don't believe you,"  Canada said back, "You first used you sweet tarted words to make me feel better, next I found out that you are sleeping with almost everyone in the world, and you asked me to marry you?! What is wrong with you?"

"I love you!" America said back, "Since we were kids, I love you! Sure, Iggy has been taking care of us and Francy Pants has pampered us, but I always help you out on either small or large things. So who cares if a sibling loves their own! Nothing will ever happen to us. I promise,"

Canada looked at her brother and sighed. She wouldn't lie if she didn't love him too. Always have and always will. No matter what happens with them, they will always find a way back to forgive each other.

"America," Canada started as she sighs, "... I also love you too... But this is wrong to do. What will people think about this?"

"Who cares," America said as he brushes Canada's hair back, "Who cares what people think on incest. Hell, sometimes I think Romano and Italy are together most times! What matters is that I love you! Sibling or not, I love you, Canada. And I want to be with you for now on,"

Canada leans on her brother's arm and sighs again. She doesn't want people to think that this is a wrong thing to do. People would make fun of them and tell them that they shouldn't be together. This is already making Canada dizzy and getting more upset with the thought. But she then felt a pair of lips touched hers passionately. Looking up, America smiled down at her and crases her cheek.

"Canada," Alfred whisper softly.

"America..." Canada whispers back. In her mind, a little birdy is telling her screw it and just marry her brother. Even if he's going to keep his words! But then she's lowering herself down on the negative thoughts... Oh well! Like America said, who cares what people would think! This is her life and her love choose! She told him that they should get married then and America promises her that he'll never fall in love with another nation again. Only love his wife and sister...

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